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Displaying 201 - 240 of 2087 results
Grey painted door with metal letter box

Members to Receive Ballot Papers Imminently

Executive Committee (EC) and Regional Committee (RC) Ballots are currently underway, asking MU members to elect representatives from the membership to represent then at Regional and Executive level. Ballots have been posted out and should be arriving shortly.

Published: 20 October 2023

Read more about Members to Receive Ballot Papers Imminently
Busy pink desk with notebook, pens, mobile phone, coffee cup

Notice of Political Fund Review Ballot

The MU is required to ballot its members every 10 years on the continuation of its Political Fund. The deadline to complete the latest ballot is in January 2024.

Published: 18 October 2023

Read more about Notice of Political Fund Review Ballot
Light shines through the glass ceiling dome, with lines that spiral out in a hub like fashion

Why I Became an MU Education Rep

Find out more about the history of the MU Education Reps, and the essential part they’ve been playing since the role was created in 2013. In this feature MU Education Section Committee member Maxim Rowlands talks us through the story as it aligns with his own personal journey.

Published: 10 October 2023

Read more about Why I Became an MU Education Rep
Victoria Jaquiss looks into camera, she has bright pink hair and pale blue lipstick, a steel pan drum is in the background

Art for Art’s Sake, Music For All: An Educator’s Journey

MU/National Education Union (NEU) member Victoria Jaquiss shares how her belief in music education and the art form of teaching led to her joining the MU’s Education Section Committee, and writing a motion calling for music and the arts to be given their rightful place in the school curriculum.

Published: 02 October 2023

Read more about Art for Art’s Sake, Music For All: An Educator’s Journey
Hollywood sign on the hills above LA

What Does The WGA Strike and Deal Reached Mean for Musicians?

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl on what the new Writers’ Guild of America agreement delivers for writers in the States, and what precedent this agreement might set for terms offered by big streaming companies, including in relation to the threat of AI developments.

Published: 29 September 2023

Read more about What Does The WGA Strike and Deal Reached Mean for Musicians?
Person stood at the edge of railway platform with guitar in case, holding a passport.

Musicians Working Overseas: An Update on Brexit and New Resources

MU Head of International Dave Webster updates members on news and report findings surrounding musicians and Brexit, new MU resources and a roundup of recent and upcoming panels, events and showcases he has attended to help promote the MU and its work overseas.

Published: 27 September 2023

Read more about Musicians Working Overseas: An Update on Brexit and New Resources
School orchestra, with most instruments blurred in the background and a xylophone in focus in the foreground

Ofsted Music Subject Report: MU Response

Ofsted has published a new report into music education in schools in England, revealing serious inequalities in terms of access to instrumental tuition among other findings.

Published: 26 September 2023

Read more about Ofsted Music Subject Report: MU Response
Naomi Pohl and the UK Music Delegation outside 10 Downing Street this week to discuss the impact of AI on the music industry.

MU General Secretary Summer Update

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl looks at your rights and AI, developments in the Fix Streaming campaign, and how we’re negotiating the best rates for members.

Published: 07 September 2023

Read more about MU General Secretary Summer Update
Close-up of a musician playing the acoustic guitar outdoors, selective focus on the fretboard of the instrument.

Take Part in EFN’s First European Folk Day

The MU is affiliated with the European Folk Network (EFN) and 23 September will mark a day of celebration to raise the profile of traditional music, dance and storytelling.

Published: 04 September 2023

Read more about Take Part in EFN’s First European Folk Day
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