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LGBT+ musicians may face particular issues because of their sexuality or gender. Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, being asked to conceal their sexuality or gender, difficultly touring in countries that are hostile to or that criminalise LGBT+ people and lack of representation are issues that LGBT+ musicians may face.

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Explore the updates for LGBT+ music artists.

View from the back of the room of all hands raised in a support of our motion at the LGBT+ Conference.

MU Motion on LGBTQ+ Musicians Passed at STUC Conference 2024

The MU sent a delegation to this year’s STUC LGBT+ Workers’ Conference in May, where our motion on tackling transphobia, ensuring culturally relevant mental health provisions and improvements to the Equality Act passed unanimously.

Published: 17 June 2024

Read more about MU Motion on LGBTQ+ Musicians Passed at STUC Conference 2024

MU Responds to Seat at the Table 2024 Report Findings

As 2024’s Seat at the Table report finds that the representation of women on UK music trade association boards has now risen to 52%, find out what the MU is doing to improve diversity in our own committees.

Published: 02 February 2024

Read more about MU Responds to Seat at the Table 2024 Report Findings

Representing and advocating on behalf of LGBT+ musicians

Get involved with the MU's work on lobbying for an LGBT+ inclusive education, the end of abuses to LGBT+ people internationally, and a fair and equal representation.

Join our LGBT+ Member Network

Our network is a space where people with shared identities can connect, network and make positive change across the MU and the music industry. The network ensures that the voices of LGBT+ members are heard, and that opportunities for activism and leadership are created. 

Join our network if you identify as LGBT+.  

Join the LGBT+ Network

Representing and advocating on behalf of LGBT+ musicians


Organisations we work with