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TAC Agreement

Updated: 06 April 2023 | 14:48 PM

The agreement between TAC (Teledwyr Annibynnol Cymru) and Musicians' Union applies to content produced by independent TV production companies primarily creating content for Welsh broadcasters. The agreement sets out the minimum terms and conditions for engaging session musicians, and covers:

  • TV broadcast, cinematic release, online use
  • musicians engaged to record specially composed music (e.g. titles, jingles or incidental music)
  • the reuse of existing performance footage
  • secondary commercial audio visual products (DVD/DTO etc)
  • rates for signed bands and artists (Established Self-Contained Groups).

Recording session fees 2011

Limited use recording fees

Type Fee Overtime
Basic 3 hour session £146.40 £14.64 per 15 mins
Continuous performance session £146.40 £14.65 per 6 mins

Uplifts may be payable for additional rights (see main agreement)

Combined use recording fees

Fee per hour Minimum Fee Overtime (per 15 mins)
£87.40 £174.80 £26.22

Additional fees

Doubling Trebling
Plus 10% of session fee Plus 20% of session fee


First overdub Each subsequent overdub
Plus 125% of session fee Plus 140% of session fee


Category A Category B Category C Category D
£23.75 £17.30 (cap £34.85) £11.60 By Negotiation

Member services for recording musicians