Instrument Insurance FAQs
Who can register for music instrument insurance with the MU?
Anyone who becomes a member of the Musicians' Union can register for an instrument insurance.
The MU is a trade union that represents over 36,000 musicians in the UK. Membership is beneficial for musicians from all walks of life, whether employed or self-employed.
When you become a member, you can apply for musical instrument insurance through us. You will also gain access to professional guidance on life and work in the musical sector.
Does the MU offer musical instrument insurance for students?
Yes! We offer instrument insurance policies with our student memberships, alongside those for experienced musicians signing up as new members. A student membership costs just £20 per year. If you can prove that you're in full-time education, you should be eligible for membership.
How do you know if you're already registered for instrument insurance?
If you're uncertain if you've already registered, did so a long time ago, or paused your membership for an extended period, we recommend you re-register. You will then receive an up-to-date policy and schedule containing the latest terms and conditions.
You should read the musical instrument insurance UK terms and conditions for details on what is and is not covered and any special conditions that may affect your claim.
Can you get more cover with MU musical instrument insurance?
If you're an MU member seeking cover for a higher value than the limit of your existing musical instrument insurance, you can use our Specified Instrument and Equipment Cover.
This level of cover insures musical instruments and equipment above £3,000 and up to £150,000. You can find out more and get a quote online.
Please note that once MU Specified Instrument and Equipment Cover has been arranged on specified items, members will lose the right to claim under the £3,000 musical instrument and equipment insurance cover.
How to ask a question or make a complaint
If you have a question about your musical instrument insurance or would like to make a complaint, please get in touch with Hencilla Canworth GI Ltd directly via email or by calling 020 8686 5050.
You can also write to our insurance provider at:
Hencilla Canworth GI Ltd,
Simpson House,
6 Cherry Orchard Road,
Croydon CR9 6AZ.