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Bridge Theatre Agreement

Updated: 12 January 2023 | 15:20 PM

Bridge Theatre and MU House agreement until 31 March 2025

The following minimum terms and conditions have been agreed between London Theatre Company Staging Limited (LTC) and the Musicians’ Union (MU) for musicians working at the Bridge Theatre. These terms supplement those set out in the agreement for musicians working in theatre (excluding the West End of London) between the UK Theatre Association (UK Theatre) and the MU dated 5 April 2018 and any renewals or revisions to it as agreed between UK Theatre and the MU from time to time (the UK Theatre Agreement). 


The terms set out below are to apply from the date of this agreement to 31 March 2025.  This agreement will continue to have effect unless or until terminated by either party giving six months’ written notice to the other.  Any proposed revisions to this Agreement by either party shall be subject to written notice, and any agreed revision shall remain in force for at least 24 months before any further revision to the same provision can be proposed.


LTC shall pay the following basic weekly rates:

  • Single: £950
  • Doubling: £1000
  • Trebling: £1050
  • Quadrupling: £1100

These rates shall apply for engagements from the date of this agreement to 31 March 2024 and shall be increased on 1 April 2024 by the percentage uplift made to the MU/UK Theatre minimum rates for the year from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.


LTC shall pay an additional £50/week to cover the Musician playing in costume and/or outside of the area defined by LTC for the band prior to the first paid performance (including in the acting area).  For the avoidance of doubt, this sum includes compensation for the Musician being required to present at the “half” for the purpose of getting into costume, hair and/or make-up (unless the maximum period for performance of 3 hours is exceeded, in which case an overtime payment will be made in accordance with the UK Theatre Agreement at time and a half).  LTC shall be responsible for providing, storing and laundering any costume required and arranging any relevant haircuts.


It is acknowledged that, aside from during periods of flexible scheduling in accordance with the UK Theatre Agreement, to include Christmas/New Year, it is not intended that there will be any performances scheduled for Sundays. For playing a first performance on a Sunday during a period of flexible scheduling, the Musician will receive an additional payment of 1/10 of their weekly rate.  For any further performances on a Sunday, the Musician will receive payment at double time. 

Additional performances

Any additional performances over and above the number of performances specified in the contract shall be paid pro rata to the above weekly rates.  

Subsistence and travel

Given the central London location of the Bridge Theatre, a musician who declares London to be his/her normal centre of employment shall not be due subsistence or travel payments irrespective of their contractual address.

Where a musician travels from outside London, the following weekly travel payments shall be made:

  • 15-25 miles: £20
  • 25-40 miles: £45
  • >40 miles: £100

Where a musician is based more than 40 miles from London and relocates to London for the engagement, they shall be entitled to a relocation/subsistence allowance at a weekly rate of £250 for the duration of the engagement.

Technical calls

Technical calls are any rehearsal calls which take place within fourteen days of the first paid performance on stage with the cast and at which there is full technical support.  These may last for a maximum of four hours and shall be paid at the pro rata hourly rate at single time subject to no more than two, four-hour calls being scheduled in any 24-hour period (and such four-hour calls being paid pro rata at the hourly rate). For the avoidance of doubt, such technical calls may be scheduled in addition to any band calls at which the cast is not present; and any four-hour calls may include preparatory work with the band provided that this leads to work with full technical support within the same call.

Notes calls during preview period

One call of 3 hours 15 minutes length can be made during the preview period for no extra payment for the purpose of giving musical notes. The 15 minutes shall be at the beginning of the call time. LTC will give 48 hours notice for each of these calls and accepts that a Musician may be unavailable should less notice be given.

Short/early rehearsals

LTC is entitled to schedule short/early rehearsals immediately preceding or following a performance. Such rehearsals shall not exceed two hours and shall be subject to a minimum payment for 60 minutes at the pro rata hourly rate at single time (any time in excess of 60 minutes is paid in 15-minute units at single time pro rata). Short rehearsals are restricted to numbers for the current Production.Deputies


LTC recognise the usefulness of a well-managed deputies procedure. Rules for deputising must be reasonable and developed between all parties (including the MU where necessary). LTC will appoint a Deputies Supervisor to take responsibility for co-ordinating the use of Deputies. Depending on music and production requirements, once a production has settled there could be flexibility on the number of deputies within a band and the percentage of shows that are depped out. However, the Musician agrees not to use Deputies for more than 30% of the performances given in a 26-week period except when sick or on holiday, provided that the Musician may nominate an associate (to be approved by the Musical Director in his/her sole discretion), the use of whom shall not count towards the 30% limit.

Any deputy required to ‘sit in’ on more than one occasion will receive a basic show fee.

Professional conduct - compliance with policies and rules

At all times during the engagement, the Musician shall comply with: (a) the policies set out in LTC’s Employee Handbook (in particular those relating to Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, Social Media, Alcohol and drugs, Harassment and Protecting Vulnerable People); (b) the rules and regulations of the Bridge Theatre and any other place of rehearsal or Performance; and (c) all the rules made by LTC, insofar as they do not conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Policy documents shall be made available to the Musician to read upon request. The Musician acknowledges that failure to comply may result in disciplinary action being taken.

Company news

At least 48 hours’ notice to be given to all musicians of company news that will affect them.

Archive recording

The Musician consents that LTC may, for a fee of £50 payable in accordance with the MU Archive/ Promotional Recordings Agreement make a video recording of a Performance to be used strictly for archive purposes and may make such recording available to national archives (including without limitation the National Video Archive of Performance) and to organisations involved in the provision of a signed or audio-described performance of the Production.  The Musician shall be informed in advance of the times and dates on which the recording is to be made.


The Musician acknowledges that LTC may, but is not obliged to, record and broadcast the Production for cinema distribution. If a Performance or any part of a Performance is broadcast LTC or LTC’s chosen broadcast production partner shall pay to the Musician an appropriate fee in addition to the Musician’s Salary in line with the appropriate agreement with the MU. This paragraph applies only to broadcasts from the Theatre.  LTC shall notify the MU not less than two weeks before any recording takes place.

UK Theatre Agreement

The remaining terms of this agreement shall be those set out in the UK Theatre Agreement.