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The Royal Shakespeare Company Agreement

Updated: 27 June 2023 | 16:40 PM

RSC & MU house agreement for musicians, 2022-2023

The Royal Shakespeare Company's (RSC) shows are made in Stratford-upon-Avon and the plays are performed in three theatres: the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, the Swan Theatre and the Studio Theatre at The Other Place.

This agreement sets out the minimum terms and conditions for those employed by the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC).

Below are the most up-to-date rates of pay for musicians working under the RSC & MU agreement.

House band

Annual salary Basic weekly salary Session rate (8+)
£37,747.66 £725.92 £90.74

Freelance fees (per session)

5 sessions and under 6 sessions 7 sessions 8+ sessions
£113.43 £120.98 £103.70 £90.74

Doubling fees

A Double B Double C Double
£17.24 £12.70 £8.16

Live from Stratford

If you are engaged to do any recording, streaming, or work under the ‘Live From Stratford’ Agreement at RSC, then please refer to the Midlands Regional Office midlands@themu.or, for any advice on rates and terms.

For enquiries please contact MU Midlands office.

Member benefits for theatre musicians