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Displaying 41 - 80 of 81 results
Photograph of a person with red hair, wearing a pink mask and pink earphones in front of a pink background.

US Lifts Covid-19 Travel Ban

The MU has recently learnt via their friends at Tamizdat that the White House will be easing Covid-19 travel restrictions to the US.

Published: 24 September 2021

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Photograph of an airplane flying up and through a darkening sky, with sun beams escaping through the clouds

Video Explainers on MIC and Border Crossings Released

We’ve now released a recording of the webinars and Q&A session we put on, explaining the latest guidance on MIC, and how to travel with musical instruments containing CITES-listed controlled endangered species.

Published: 06 July 2021

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Photograph of the New York city skyline

Positive News on US Visas

The visa system brought in by Donald Trump have been rolled back due to pressure from Tamizdat and support from arts organisations across the world, including the MU.

Published: 24 June 2021

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Photograph of a van being loaded with crates of musical equipment.

Brexit Update: Continued Pressure is Making an Impact

In our latest Brexit update, we discuss how the urgent challenges facing musicians can only be immediately solved if the UK Government negotiates a bespoke visa waiver agreement with the EU for the creative sector, and what is being done right now to put the pressure on them.

Published: 12 March 2021

Read more about Brexit Update: Continued Pressure is Making an Impact
Woman waits by a train with a guitar strapped to her back, she is looking at her watch. Photo credit: Shutterstock

US Immigration Roll Backs

In this blog MU National Organiser Live Performance, Dave Webster, discusses how US President Biden has started to roll back on some of the executive orders brought in by President Trump.

Published: 03 February 2021

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Portrait photograph of Lord Holmes, he wears a blue suit against a plain grey background and a serious expression.

Work Arrangements for UK Musicians in the EU: The Show Must Go On

In this blog, originally posted on Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE’s website and reposted here with his kind permission, he discusses how music is an important part of all of us – and a massive cultural export for the UK which must be protected.

Published: 25 January 2021

Read more about Work Arrangements for UK Musicians in the EU: The Show Must Go On
Photograph of a Polish LGBT+ flag.

Advice for LGBT+ Musicians Working in Poland

Nearly a third of Poland has been declared an LGBT+ free zone, as 100 local authorities have said they will not promote LGBT+ tolerance or acceptance. This includes funding NGOs working to promote equality.

Published: 10 March 2020

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Gigging and Touring Before the EU

Over 15,000 people have signed the Musicians’ Union (MU) petition for a touring visa for musicians working in the European Union post-Brexit.

Published: 31 October 2018

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Ivory Ban Will Grant Exemptions for Musical Instruments

Following lobbying from the music industry, including the Musicians' Union (MU), The UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs' (DEFRA) ivory ban will give some exemptions for musical instruments.

Published: 18 April 2018

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