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Steve playing fiddle live in front of a microphone on a stand.

Tribute to Steve Simpson

Steve Simpson was a successful and talented musician who played guitar, mandolin, fiddle and performed vocals across the UK and internationally. He originally joined the MU in 1974. This tribute has been provided by his partner, Caroline Morgan.

Published: 21 January 2025

Read more about Tribute to Steve Simpson
Black and grey image of two people, one holding a guitar case, walking up a hill together with a stormy sky above.

Exploring Your Self-Image Through Feldenkrais

'Self-image in movement' is the theme for January's MU Feldenkrais sessions, which are free and run exclusively for members. In this blog, professional musician and Feldenkrais teacher, Emma Alter, reflects on how the simple act of body scanning can help improve your self-image.

Published: 15 January 2025

Read more about Exploring Your Self-Image Through Feldenkrais
Close up of a flute on a music sheet.

Tribute to Elmer Cole

Elmer Cole was a highly accomplished flautist. He was also a member of the English National Opera for over 40 years and the MU for over 50. This tribute has been provided by his wife, Frances.

Published: 04 November 2024

Read more about Tribute to Elmer Cole
Black and grey image of two people, one holding a guitar case, walking up a hill together with a stormy sky above.

Silencing the Inner Critic: How Self-Talk and Feldenkrais Can Help Tame Performance Anxiety

Anxiety is November's theme for the new term of MU Feldenkrais sessions, which are free and run exclusively for members. In this blog, professional musician and Feldenkrais teacher, Emma Alter, reflects on how she manages negative self-talk and why her practice helps foster self-compassion.

Published: 22 October 2024

Read more about Silencing the Inner Critic: How Self-Talk and Feldenkrais Can Help Tame Performance Anxiety