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Displaying 1 - 40 of 48 results
Person stood at the edge of railway platform with guitar in case, holding a passport.

Musicians Working Overseas: An Update on Brexit and New Resources

MU Head of International Dave Webster updates members on news and report findings surrounding musicians and Brexit, new MU resources and a roundup of recent and upcoming panels, events and showcases he has attended to help promote the MU and its work overseas.

Published: 27 September 2023

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Woman with guitar in case, over her shoulder, at the railway station.

Taking Action - Our Update on Brexit for Musicians

The MU has been closely involved in the compiling of two comprehensive reports outlining the difficulties musicians and the creative industries as a whole are having in the post Brexit age.

Published: 19 October 2022

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3D graphic map of the UK and rest of Europe. UK and EU flag designs are over each area and 3D trucks wait at each side of the crossing showing the difficulty transporting goods.

Brexit Update and New Head of International Role at The MU

Dave Webster, former National Organiser for Live Performance has recently been appointed as Head of International at the MU. Here he brings members an update on our work to address the impact of Brexit for musicians.

Published: 15 July 2022

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Grey skys over westminister bridge, with the houses of parliament and big ben in view in the background.

Brexit Lobbying Update

An update following the debate held in Westminster Hall on enabling visa and work permit free travel for musicians in the EU, with renewed calls from MPs for the Government to sort out remaining issues for musicians.

Published: 23 November 2021

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Photograph of a van being loaded with crates of musical equipment.

Brexit Update: Continued Pressure is Making an Impact

In our latest Brexit update, we discuss how the urgent challenges facing musicians can only be immediately solved if the UK Government negotiates a bespoke visa waiver agreement with the EU for the creative sector, and what is being done right now to put the pressure on them.

Published: 12 March 2021

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Photograph of the Palace of Westminster under a cold blue January sky.

Lobbying Update: A Busy Week on the Brexit Front

In our latest lobbying update, we discuss Brexit – from a lack of clarity over who is responsible for there not being a work permit exemption, to the PM being quizzed on touring in the EU during PMQs.

Published: 15 January 2021

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Photograph of a large gathering of people at a protest, one hand is holding up a miniature placard which reads

Brexit – where are we now?

Brexit is back on the agenda in Parliament this week as the Government brought in new legislation, in the form of the Internal Market Bill. What does this mean for you? MU Head of Communications and Government Relations Isabelle Gutierrez takes a look.

Published: 18 September 2020

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Miniature placard reading

Brexit Deal Voted Down in Parliament for the Third Time

Theresa May’s Brexit deal has today been voted down by the House of Commons. The UK now has until 12 April 2019 to set out its next steps. Any delay beyond 12 April will be dependent on approval from the EU.

Published: 29 March 2019

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Musicians’ Union Welcomes Brexit Delay

The Musicians’ Union (MU) has welcomed the European Union’s (EU) offer to postpone Brexit beyond 29 March. We had real concerns that parliament would not come to an agreement in time to avoid a No Deal scenario.

Published: 21 March 2019

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Musicians' Union Reacts to Brexit Deal

The ability to travel and work freely and easily in Europe is of paramount importance to our members, and we will continue to fight either for freedom of movement or, at the very least, a simple, cheap and admin-light EU touring visa for musicians and performers.

Published: 15 November 2018

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Brexit and the Future of Copyright Protection

If you work in the music industry, you need to understand copyright. Put simply, copyright enables musicians and creators to protect and make money from their work. Without it, musicians would not be able to get their music out there and make a living.

Published: 05 November 2018

Read more about Brexit and the Future of Copyright Protection
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