The ability to travel and work freely and easily in Europe is of paramount importance to our members, and we will continue to fight either for freedom of movement or, at the very least, a simple, cheap and admin-light EU touring visa for musicians and performers.
The Musicians' Union (MU) is also concerned about the lack of detail in the document regarding the future relationship between the UK and the EU.
We will be watching developments closely over the next few weeks and will continue to press Government to provide clarity for our members.
Musicians should note that if this deal is passed in parliament, there will be no changes to freedom of movement or other rights during the transition period – which would last until the end of 2020.
The MU does not accept that the choice before parliament should be between this deal and no deal. Any vote should also include an option to remain or to renegotiate a better deal.
Read more about what the MU is doing to represent musicians during the Brexit process.