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Displaying 361 - 400 of 573 results
A pair of pale blue denim shoes on painted white floorboards.

Court of Appeal Rule that the Calculation of the Government’s SEISS Scheme Discriminated Against New Mothers

Campaign organisation Pregnant Then Screwed submitted an appeal about the disproportionate impact SEISS calculations have on new mothers, which has now been accepted with the caveat that the urgency of the situation justified the discrimination.

Published: 29 November 2021

Read more about Court of Appeal Rule that the Calculation of the Government’s SEISS Scheme Discriminated Against New Mothers
A woman with grey hair sits on a sofa with two opened notebooks, looking at a laptop computer.

Changes to, which partnered with the MU to offer free online listings for music teachers, has announced that its free service will end ahead of a relaunch early next year.

Published: 29 November 2021

Read more about Changes to
Grey skys over westminister bridge, with the houses of parliament and big ben in view in the background.

Brexit Lobbying Update

An update following the debate held in Westminster Hall on enabling visa and work permit free travel for musicians in the EU, with renewed calls from MPs for the Government to sort out remaining issues for musicians.

Published: 23 November 2021

Read more about Brexit Lobbying Update
Two musicians both on guitar playing in what appears to be a small pub environment

Wide Days 2021 Releases Career Resources for Musicians

Covering topics including Covid-19 secure approaches to the future, international marketing tips, and getting your music on TV and radio – Wide Days have just released a selection of useful recordings on their youtube channel, following their 2021 Scottish Music Convention.

Published: 18 November 2021

Read more about Wide Days 2021 Releases Career Resources for Musicians
Photograph of a young person playing on a rainbow coloured instrument

Priorities for the Music Education Workforce

This article is a transcript of a talk given by Chris Walters, the MU’s National Organiser for Education and Health & Wellbeing, for the Westminster Education Forum policy conference entitled “Next Steps for Music Education in England”. This event took place online on 10 November.

Published: 12 November 2021

Read more about Priorities for the Music Education Workforce
Two sound engineers work from the side of the stage at what appears to be a busy festival, the stage is still empty but brightly coloured stage lights illuminate it

MPs Join Forces To Demand “Urgent Action” From PM Over EU Touring Crisis Facing Musicians And Crew

In welcome news from UK Music, a letter has been sent to PM Boris Johnson on behalf of cross-party MPs demanding “urgent action” over the crisis facing musicians and crew touring the EU. Have your say by responding to the APPG’s call for evidence.

Published: 05 November 2021

Read more about MPs Join Forces To Demand “Urgent Action” From PM Over EU Touring Crisis Facing Musicians And Crew
Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer holds up his red suitcase outside 10 Downing Street

MU Calls for Investment in Musicians Following Budget Announcement

Whilst the budget announcement did offer a welcome extension to the orchestras tax relief and business rate relief for venues, the choice not to take forward further music tax incentives and the hike in VAT could have a negative impact on the sector.

Published: 28 October 2021

Read more about MU Calls for Investment in Musicians Following Budget Announcement
Silhouette of singer on stage. Dark background, smoke, spotlights

MU Member Gives Speech at STUC Women’s Conference

MU Member Katherine Liley gave a speech at this year’s Scottish Trades Union Congress Women’s Conference, citing her own personal experiences and those of women around her, calling for a motion on creating safe workplaces for women to be moved.

Published: 27 October 2021

Read more about MU Member Gives Speech at STUC Women’s Conference
A grouping of trombone players, we can see the instruments, their music stands and their hands - blurred in the background is the rest of the orchestra.

New Series of Events for Orchestral Players

This Autumn we’ll be hosting a new series of online events for our Orchestra Section members, covering topics from mouth and hand health through to presentation skills and designing workshops.

Published: 12 October 2021

Read more about New Series of Events for Orchestral Players
Photograph of Labour Party Deputy leader Angela Rayner giving her speech at the Labour Party Conference

The MU at Labour and Conservative Party Conferences

The MU took a delegation to the Labour Party Conference, voting on a number of important motions and holding meetings with Labour MPs – as well as making a fleeting visit to the Conservative Party Conference to discuss the Fix Streaming campaign.

Published: 05 October 2021

Read more about The MU at Labour and Conservative Party Conferences
Photograph of MU Executive Committee Member Diljeet Bhachu, speaking into a microphone.

Looking Back, Moving Forward: MU Member Diljeet Bhachu’s Opening Speech to the STUC Black Workers’ Conference

This year’s STUC Black Workers’ Conference was chaired by MU Executive Committee member Diljeet Bhachu, who reflected on how challenging the previous 18-months have been for Black workers across Scotland, and the importance of solidarity across the Trade Union movement.

Published: 04 October 2021

Read more about Looking Back, Moving Forward: MU Member Diljeet Bhachu’s Opening Speech to the STUC Black Workers’ Conference
Abstract purple spotty pattern

MU Member Chairs the STUC Black Workers’ Conference

MU Executive Committee member Diljeet Bhachu is now the first MU member to chair an STUC Black Workers Conference, which ran this weekend. The conference also saw two motions – “An Inclusive Curriculum,” and “Afghan Musicians,” – submitted and moved by MU delegates.

Published: 04 October 2021

Read more about MU Member Chairs the STUC Black Workers’ Conference
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