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Displaying 281 - 320 of 324 results
Two double bases are left leaning against chairs in what appears to be an orchestra setting.

Orchestras In Healthcare Report

First comprehensive review reveals orchestras contribute more than £1.6m to the public health sector. Almost two thirds of professional orchestras are working in health, wellbeing and social care across the UK.

Published: 04 March 2021

Read more about Orchestras In Healthcare Report
Photograph of an accessible entrance sign attached to a brick wall outside a building.

Creating Your Own Access Rider

We recently held an event on “creating your own access rider,” in this article we set out the key learnings for the event – both from artists with personal experience of using access riders, and organisations who work on improving access.

Published: 18 January 2021

Read more about Creating Your Own Access Rider
Photograph of a woman performing on a guitar and singing, with a webcam set up and recording a live stream of her.

Make Misogyny History

MU Deputy General Secretary Naomi Pohl looks at the role misogyny plays and creating safe workplaces for women.

Published: 25 November 2020

Read more about Make Misogyny History
Black and white photograph of a conductors hands, holding a baton over the music stand at the head of an orchestra. The musicians in the background are blurred.

Disability History Month: Music Making and the Fates of Disabled People

Conductor and composer Ben Lunn discusses how we need to celebrate “the disabled musicians and artists who exist,” whilst, “making sure disabled people can live in dignity and safety and are able to pursue whatever profession they desire to.”

Published: 17 November 2020

Read more about Disability History Month: Music Making and the Fates of Disabled People
Photograph of a variety of microphones, each one a different style of vintage, set out in a row on a table. The background is a shiny blue.

Defining Your Own Vocal Identity

This article briefly examines the issues giving rise to gender identity in a voice, and headlines the approaches open to trans*+ musicians in defining their own vocal identity.

Published: 11 November 2020

Read more about Defining Your Own Vocal Identity
Photograph of a young man in a yellow t-shirt against a yellow background, he is wearing earphones and stretching with an expression on his face indicating he may be in pain.

Feldenkrais and Practise: Supporting the Arms

In this third Feldenkrais and Practise blog, professional musician and Feldenkrais teacher Emma Alter discusses how we can use Feldenkrais technique to explore how we support the arms and hands during practice.

Published: 06 November 2020

Read more about Feldenkrais and Practise: Supporting the Arms
Photograph of Millicent Stephenson, she is wearing white against a white background whilst holding out a microphone and smiling.

The Journey of a Menopausal Musician

Multi-award winning saxophonist and MU Executive Committee member Millicent Stephenson shares her experiences, ahead of World Menopause Day 18 October.

Published: 15 October 2020

Read more about The Journey of a Menopausal Musician
Photograph of a piano player sat at the keyboard

Racism is a Public Health Crisis

Black Lives Matter UK are calling on the on the public to show support for Black members of the community who are being disproportionately affected by Covid-19 with a musical response on Thursday 4 June.

Published: 03 June 2020

Read more about Racism is a Public Health Crisis
a woman stretching on the grey floor

Feldenkrais and Practice

Emma Alter, tutor for our regular (now Zoom based) Feldenkrais classes, discusses, “How do we as musicians incorporate or involve Feldenkrais in our instrumental (or singing) practice?” and how we can practice embodiment in our everyday movement too.

Published: 29 May 2020

Read more about Feldenkrais and Practice
red first aid bag

First Aid Theory Courses Available Online

For members who were interested in taking First Aid training earlier this year, London First Aid Training are offering two accredited online First Aid Theory courses.

Published: 20 April 2020

Read more about First Aid Theory Courses Available Online
Anna Neale dressed in green dress, standing on a beach with a guitar

Music as a Way of Getting Through

Singer-songwriter Anna Neale tells us how, "Music is one the greatest expressions of human identity. It's what's getting a lot of people through this crisis. Hold on to that, reach out, and ask."

Published: 14 April 2020

Read more about Music as a Way of Getting Through
Happy healthy female musician playing ukelele

BAPAM Moves Healthy Performance Events Online

The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) have set themselves up to begin running their training events online, with course topics ranging from vocal health to injury prevention and keeping mentally well.

Published: 24 March 2020

Read more about BAPAM Moves Healthy Performance Events Online
Photograph of a Polish LGBT+ flag.

Advice for LGBT+ Musicians Working in Poland

Nearly a third of Poland has been declared an LGBT+ free zone, as 100 local authorities have said they will not promote LGBT+ tolerance or acceptance. This includes funding NGOs working to promote equality.

Published: 10 March 2020

Read more about Advice for LGBT+ Musicians Working in Poland
Speaker stands at the front of a room, with a screen behind reading

LGBTQ+ in Music: Where is the Representation?

This blog is created from the speech that MU member Olive gave at the TUC LGBT+ conference last week – moving a motion on the need for a broad and balanced LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum to ensure LGBTQ+ representation in music.

Published: 11 July 2019

Read more about LGBTQ+ in Music: Where is the Representation?
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