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Displaying 41 - 80 of 143 results
Photograph of stained glass window with insturments and the text

Second Day of MU Delegate Conference

Topics covered on the second day of the MU Delegate Conference included the climate emergency and how the MU can contribute to sustainability, HE Funding Cuts, Fix Streaming, our Safe Space initiative, and more.

Published: 21 July 2021

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Photograph of an airplane flying up and through a darkening sky, with sun beams escaping through the clouds

Video Explainers on MIC and Border Crossings Released

We’ve now released a recording of the webinars and Q&A session we put on, explaining the latest guidance on MIC, and how to travel with musical instruments containing CITES-listed controlled endangered species.

Published: 06 July 2021

Read more about Video Explainers on MIC and Border Crossings Released
A young musician is working on a keyboard with a microphone, speakers and computer set up in front of them. There is warm but dark lighting.

The Copyright Directive

In this feature Mark Sutherland discusses the European Copyright Directive in detail, and looks at the vital actions that must take place to protect UK music industry in the post-Brexit environment.

Published: 26 April 2021

Read more about The Copyright Directive
Photograph of a van being loaded with crates of musical equipment.

Brexit Update: Continued Pressure is Making an Impact

In our latest Brexit update, we discuss how the urgent challenges facing musicians can only be immediately solved if the UK Government negotiates a bespoke visa waiver agreement with the EU for the creative sector, and what is being done right now to put the pressure on them.

Published: 12 March 2021

Read more about Brexit Update: Continued Pressure is Making an Impact
A number of instruments in hard cases proped at the side of a stage, looking slightly chaotic.

Lobbying Update: Practical Action

This week, we’ve been focussed on practical ways in which we can move the issue of Brexit forward – following weeks of arguments between the UK and the EU over where the fault lies for the lack of agreement over movement for musicians.

Published: 28 January 2021

Read more about Lobbying Update: Practical Action
Portrait photograph of Lord Holmes, he wears a blue suit against a plain grey background and a serious expression.

Work Arrangements for UK Musicians in the EU: The Show Must Go On

In this blog, originally posted on Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE’s website and reposted here with his kind permission, he discusses how music is an important part of all of us – and a massive cultural export for the UK which must be protected.

Published: 25 January 2021

Read more about Work Arrangements for UK Musicians in the EU: The Show Must Go On
Photograph of the Palace of Westminster under a cold blue January sky.

Lobbying Update: A Busy Week on the Brexit Front

In our latest lobbying update, we discuss Brexit – from a lack of clarity over who is responsible for there not being a work permit exemption, to the PM being quizzed on touring in the EU during PMQs.

Published: 15 January 2021

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