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Music Teaching News

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Yellow headphones on yellow background. Listening concept.

The Emotional Side of Music Making: Heidi Fardell Explores One-to-One Music Teaching

MU Member Heidi Fardell has been a one-to-one instrumental tutor for over 20 years. Drawing on her own experiences, she shares why music lessons can often invite conversations on health and wellbeing, and how to listen and recognise when students may need signposting to additional support.

Published: 04 July 2024

Read more about The Emotional Side of Music Making: Heidi Fardell Explores One-to-One Music Teaching
Exterior of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Cardiff

Famous Names Sign Open Letter in Support of RWCMD's Junior Department

Famous names including Alistair McGowan and journalist Cathy Newman, as well as award-winning songwriters, playwrights and other prominent figures in the music industry, have signed an open letter in support of the Young RWCMD programme at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.

Published: 21 June 2024

Read more about Famous Names Sign Open Letter in Support of RWCMD's Junior Department
Young woman playing acoustic guitar with friends in a field.

Members Affected by RWCMD Consultation Urged to Contact the MU

The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama is proposing to cease its weekly creative sessions for young people from the end of this academic year. Members who will be affected by this are urged to contact their local regional office.

Published: 13 May 2024

Read more about Members Affected by RWCMD Consultation Urged to Contact the MU
Close up of two people sat with acoustic guitars representing music lessons.

MU Welcomes Labour Party Music Education Pledge

Labour Party leader Keir Starmer has pledged to make the arts accessible to every child in Britain and to reverse a Conservative education policy that has decimated the uptake of arts subjects in state schools.

Published: 12 March 2024

Read more about MU Welcomes Labour Party Music Education Pledge
General Secretary Naomi Pohl stands in discussion outside of the Royal Opera House

2023 End of Year Round Up

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl reports back on the work that the Union has done through 2023, as well as setting out some of MU’s intentions for 2024, and more general food for thought about the music industry.

Published: 30 December 2023

Read more about 2023 End of Year Round Up
music studio mic

Learning to Negotiate as a Matter of Give and Take

For most freelance musicians, negotiating doesn’t come naturally. But with gig fees, contracts and more to consider, knowing how to do so is crucial to your success within the music industry.

Published: 22 December 2023

Read more about Learning to Negotiate as a Matter of Give and Take
Naomi Pohl and Thangam Debbonaire at this year's Labour Party Conference.

MU Political Fund Ballot: Please Vote Yes

The MU is legally required to ballot its members every ten years on whether it should continue to have a political fund. Papers will be sent out this week so please look out for yours and return it as soon as you can.

Published: 13 December 2023

Read more about MU Political Fund Ballot: Please Vote Yes
Dr Diljeet Bhachu and award winner Elizabeth J Birch smiling after coming off stage together.

Youth Music Awards 2023: Take Note That the Future is Here

Last month the MU sponsored Youth Music’s Inspirational Music Leader Award, which was presented by Dr Diljeet Bhachu, the MU’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer. In this blog, she reflects on the judging process and shares her thoughts on addressing inequality in the wider industry.

Published: 01 December 2023

Read more about Youth Music Awards 2023: Take Note That the Future is Here
Multicoloured ropes connected to one another in a circle, representing diverse collaboration.

Disability History Month: Exploring the AutismAble and Future Collaborations Project

In this blog Andrew Forster discusses the Future Collaborations Project, an accessible music outreach program for people aged 14-25, promoting neurodivergent and neurotypical collaborations within the music industry. We also hear from one of the project’s participants and a Learning Mentor.

Published: 20 November 2023

Read more about Disability History Month: Exploring the AutismAble and Future Collaborations Project
Grey painted door with metal letter box

Members to Receive Ballot Papers Imminently

Executive Committee (EC) and Regional Committee (RC) Ballots are currently underway, asking MU members to elect representatives from the membership to represent then at Regional and Executive level. Ballots have been posted out and should be arriving shortly.

Published: 20 October 2023

Read more about Members to Receive Ballot Papers Imminently
Light shines through the glass ceiling dome, with lines that spiral out in a hub like fashion

Why I Became an MU Education Rep

Find out more about the history of the MU Education Reps, and the essential part they’ve been playing since the role was created in 2013. In this feature MU Education Section Committee member Maxim Rowlands talks us through the story as it aligns with his own personal journey.

Published: 10 October 2023

Read more about Why I Became an MU Education Rep
Victoria Jaquiss looks into camera, she has bright pink hair and pale blue lipstick, a steel pan drum is in the background

Art for Art’s Sake, Music For All: An Educator’s Journey

MU/National Education Union (NEU) member Victoria Jaquiss shares how her belief in music education and the art form of teaching led to her joining the MU’s Education Section Committee, and writing a motion calling for music and the arts to be given their rightful place in the school curriculum.

Published: 02 October 2023

Read more about Art for Art’s Sake, Music For All: An Educator’s Journey
School orchestra, with most instruments blurred in the background and a xylophone in focus in the foreground

Ofsted Music Subject Report: MU Response

Ofsted has published a new report into music education in schools in England, revealing serious inequalities in terms of access to instrumental tuition among other findings.

Published: 26 September 2023

Read more about Ofsted Music Subject Report: MU Response
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