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Regional AGMs are your opportunity to make things happen

If there is an issue you want the MU to campaign on, an area of the music industry that you want us to look into, or if there’s a problem you want the MU to act on, AGM is your chance to create real change as an MU member.

At an AGM, a member can move a motion. That means a member can ask the MU to do something or make something union policy. 

If a motion has a seconder, that is another person in the room who agrees or believes it should be discussed, everyone in the room has to consider the issue. 

And if enough people agree with the motion or think it is important the union discusses it further, that motion is sent to the union’s Executive Committee (EC) – the ultimate decision-making body of the union. The EC works like a company board, if they agree with the motion, MU staff have to make it happen. 

Find out what’s going on where you are

The MU’s AGMs are an opportunity for members from across each Region or Nation to come together, share thoughts and ideas and experiences, and talk about issues affecting them locally. 

It could be a venue under threat, issues with an engager, changes to music education, or a new type of employment that doesn’t work for musicians. 

This is your chance to find out what’s going on where you are and have your say on issues that could be affecting you. 

Your AGM, Your MU 

Trade unions have power because of their members, and the MU is no exception. 

Our democratic structures means that everything we say and do has the power of over 36,000 musicians behind it. Our AGMs are a vital part of that – from the issues you raise and discuss to standing for committees, your AGM is your opportunity to use your power.

Regional AGMs take place once a year in September.

Regional AGMs