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Displaying 41 - 80 of 321 results
MU Executive Committe Vice Chair Andi Hopgood, stands and speaks from the mic while holding a small child.

Wrapping Up MU Delegate Conference 2023: Motions, Updates and Celebrations

MU Delegate Conference wraps up with motions on the Welsh language, future pandemic planning for musicians and the closure of rail ticket offices, with union members using the second day of MU Delegate Conference to vote on a very clear set of policy priorities.

Published: 26 July 2023

Read more about Wrapping Up MU Delegate Conference 2023: Motions, Updates and Celebrations
Long exposure of a bus travelling in Glasgow city center at night time.

MU Concerned by First Glasgow Plans to Cancel Night Bus Service

Although plans to cancel the service have currently been delayed until August, the MU is asking any members affected to contact the Scotland Regional Office to discuss their concerns, with the potential to be interviewed about their experiences.

Published: 19 July 2023

Read more about MU Concerned by First Glasgow Plans to Cancel Night Bus Service
Pair of hands on a computer keyboard and a piano keyboard.

POWER UP Announces Participant List for Third Year of Programme

The POWER UP participant programme - co-founded by the PRS Foundation and Ben Wynter to elevate pioneering Black talent, whilst addressing anti-Black racism and racial disparities in the music sector - has announced the successful participants for its third year running.

Published: 17 July 2023

Read more about POWER UP Announces Participant List for Third Year of Programme
Two young Black musicians sat talking to each other in a recording studio.

Highlights and Recording Available From Mental Health First Aid in the Music Industry - an Open Discussion

Earlier this week the MU’s Live, Theatre and Music Writers Official Natalie Witts-Kilshaw attended an expert panel, hosted by Music Support, discussing mental health first aid in the music industry and the recording is now available to watch back.

Published: 18 May 2023

Read more about Highlights and Recording Available From Mental Health First Aid in the Music Industry - an Open Discussion
A Feldenkrais demonstration taking place, where the arm of a model skeleton is held up in the same pose as the arm of a demonstrating participant

Michelle Saacks: Why I go the MU’s free Feldenkrais sessions

The MU have been running Feldenkrais sessions for members over Zoom for a few years now, and in this article MU Member Michelle Saacks talks about her own Feldenkrais journey – from finding herself in a more functioning body, to the impact it’s had on her teaching.

Published: 14 April 2023

Read more about Michelle Saacks: Why I go the MU’s free Feldenkrais sessions
Out of focus back of seated audience members head, watching a play on stage.

BECTU Launch Safer Theatres Charter

The Anything Doesn’t Go campaign aims to tackle anti-social behaviour in UK theatres, calling on venue management to take a more proactive approach via the new Charter.

Published: 11 April 2023

Read more about BECTU Launch Safer Theatres Charter
Black and white photo of female conductor from behind with hands raised.

Campaign for Female Mediocrity

In this guest blog, Her Ensemble member, orchestral and chamber musician Christine Anderson shares her experiences and thoughts on women and diversity within the classical music industry.

Published: 23 March 2023

Read more about Campaign for Female Mediocrity
Close up of single microphone on stage in front of out of focus crowd.

How to Overcome Performance Anxiety

With over 70% of UK musicians suffering from anxiety in their public-facing work, leading UK performance and speaking coach Jimmy Cannon talks about root causes, quick fixes and long-term solutions to the issue.

Published: 20 March 2023

Read more about How to Overcome Performance Anxiety
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