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Victory for RMT’s Campaign to Save Ticket Offices

Government has withdrawn all plans to close rail ticket offices, following the passenger watchdogs Transport Focus and London Travelwatch objecting to the proposals in their entirety. Thank you to all MU members who responded to the consultation.

Published: 08 November 2023 | 2:55 PM
Interior of the National Rail Ticket office in St Pancras, London.
The overwhelming opposition shows the power that we have when people come together. Image credit: Shutterstock.

This u-turn marks a massive victory for the RMT’s campaign to Save Ticket Offices, which the MU fully supported, and is a victory for all rail users.

An unprecedented 750,000 people responded to the public consultations, making it the biggest ever response to a public consultation. Thank you to all MU members who responded.

The MU are delighted with this result

Understaffed stations and trains have a disproportionate impact on disabled passengers and night-time workers – like many MU members - who rely on station staff and guards on trains to help them feel safe and offer assistance. Staff at stations and on trains are a vital first point of contact for passengers.

This is an issue that the MU raised at this year’s TUC Disabled Members Conference. MU member Nigel Braithwaite spoke in support of the MU motion on accessible public transport and highlighted the importance of protecting accessible ticket offices at UK railway stations.

The overwhelming opposition to the closure of ticket offices has forced the Government to scrap its plans, and shows the power that we have when people come together and make their voices heard. The MU are delightd with this result.

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