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Regional Committees (RCs) are a crucial part of the day-to-day management of the union at a grassroots level. The Scotland and Northern Ireland Regional Committee is democratically elected, and members usually meet four times per year, some online, some in person.

Current Scotland and Northern Ireland RC members

Scotland and Northern Ireland Regional Committee members are Andrew Cruickshank, Ankna Arockiam (Vice Chair), Ben Lunn (Chair), Brian Aylward, Calum Baird, Christine Cooper, Fergus Kerr, Giles Perring, Helen Neale, Iona Fyfe, Jamie Campbell, Jonathan Griffin, Katie Richardson, Katrina Lee, Kerieva McCormick, Louis Barabbas, Maggie Holland, Mike Macdermid, Neil Patterson, Ronnie MacNiven.

What do Scotland and Northern Ireland RC members do?

The role of RC members is collectively to:

  • Oversee activity in Scotland and Northern Ireland in all areas of the music industry and on all industrial issues
  • Oversee the management budgets and operations of Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • Assist in the recruitment and retention of members
  • Assist in the organisation of members
  • Maintain communication between members and the union

Interested in becoming an RC member?

If you're an MU member and wish to get involved with union's work in Scotland and Northern Ireland, find out about the eligiblity criteria to stand for Regional Committee:

  • Any member wishing to stand for the Scotland and Northern Ireland Regional Committee will require another current member to second their nomination. The nominator must be also a member of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Region
  • Candidates shall have been members of the union and of the Region for at least one year on the nomination day
  • No person who is or who at any time during the preceding five years was employed by the MU shall be eligible for nomination

Regional Committee member nominations are announced every year in August.

If you want to find out more about this or want to get involved in our democratic structures, please get in touch with the Scotland and Northern Ireland Regional Office.

The MU Members’ Assembly brings together members from every committee and network in the Union to explore the big issues affecting musicians from diverse perspectives.

Learn more