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Regional Committees

Regional Committees (RC) are a crucial part of the day-to-day management of the union at a grassroots level. All members in the MU are assigned a region automatically according to where they live.

Last updated: 12 July 2024

The role of the MU's Regional Committees

The MU's six RCs are made up of activist members who help to deal with issues and policy in each of the six MU regions. 

Regional Committees oversee MU regional activity, which covers all areas of the music industry. They also help recruit and organise members, among other responsibilities.  

Members meet to discuss and act on local issues affecting musicians and are an important element of communication between members and the union.  

Each Regional Committee is democratically elected with up to 20 members. 


Standing for a Regional Committee 

Joining an MU Regional Committee is an opportunity for you to get involved in the Union at a local level.  

The nomination process for members wishing to stand for election to Regional Committees takes place every year. Successful candidates will in most cases sit on the committee for a two-year term from January of the year following election.  

You must meet eligibility requirements to stand for RC and be nominated. The main requirement is that you have been a member of the MU and of that region for at least a year.  



Committee members are expected to attend three to four meetings (and for a two-year term). Some will be held online and others in-person. 

Members are not expected to devote excessive amounts of time to committees, but attendance at meetings and input on specific issues is much appreciated and useful. 

The MU makes every effort to ensure that our committee meetings are accessible to all members. If you have any questions about access requirements, please contact 


Fees and expenses 

When a member attends a committee meeting they can claim a committee meeting allowance. 

If a member loses earnings as a consequence of attending a committee meeting and needs reimbursement they can claim ONE of the options below: 

  • The committee meeting allowance. 
  • A claim for loss of earnings (which needs to be evidenced). 

A committee member can only claim loss of earnings OR a meeting allowance, but not both. 

In addition, where a member is required to attend a meeting in-person, reasonable expenses (for example, travel expenses) will be covered. 


Meet your Regional Committee and find out how to get involved