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Protect WNO Campaign Backed by Senedd Members

Welsh National Opera orchestra members took their petition to the Senedd with support from Rhianon Passmore MS.

Published: 25 June 2024 | 4:28 PM Updated: 25 June 2024 | 5:10 PM
Musicians holding placards as part of a demo to protect the Welsh National Opera orchestra.
Over 10,500 people have signed the petition to protect WNO so far. Image credit: The MU.

Musicians from the Welsh National Opera (WNO) took their petition to protect WNO to the Senedd ahead of their industrial action ballot announcement on Thursday 20 June.

They were joined on the steps of the Senedd by Rhianon Passmore MS and MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl.

Over 10,500 people have signed the petition so far.

Backed by Senedd Members

In her capacity as Chair of the Senedd Petitions Committee, Rhianon Passmore MS highlighted the petition at a committee hearing on Monday 24 June.

She described the petition and its asks as "Another salient point in terms of what we need to do to protect the pipeline, the economy and the legacy of music in Wales.”

Protecting music in Wales

The MU is calling on management, Arts Council of Wales and Arts Council England to:

  • Keep WNO as a full-time company
  • Stop the proposed 15% pay cut
  • Agree a sustainable funding package to secure WNO's future, including touring

We’re also asking the Welsh and UK governments to step up, play their part and protect WNO.

Have you already signed the petition?

Protect Welsh National Opera! Diogelu Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru!

Arts Council of Wales and Arts Council England funding cuts are putting the future of Welsh National Opera (WNO) at risk.

Mae toriadau ariannol gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ac Arts Council England yn fygythiad i ddyfodol Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru.

These cuts must not be allowed to happen on our watch.

Protect WNO

Rhaid i’r toriadau hyn beidio â digwydd tra ein bod ni wrth y llyw.

Diogelu WNO

Protect Welsh National Opera! Diogelu Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru!

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