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Protect Welsh National Opera: Sign the Petition Now

Musicians at Welsh National Opera orchestra are campaigning to keep the orchestra full time and secure the company’s future.

Published: 02 May 2024 | 1:56 PM
Members of the WNO orchestra standing outside the Bristol Hippodrome with leaflets from a demo on 27 April 2024.
WNO management is being forced to consider making the orchestra part time and cutting musicians' pay by 15%. Image credit: © The MU

Musicians in the Welsh National Opera (WNO) orchestra launched their campaign to protect WNO in Bristol on Saturday 27 April, leafleting audiences ahead of a performance of Death in Venice.

Over 7,000 people have signed a petition in support.

Funding cuts are putting WNO's future at risk

Arts Council of Wales and Arts Council England funding cuts are putting WNO’s future at risk.

Management is being forced to consider making the orchestra part time and cutting musicians' pay by 15%.

WNO will also have to cut down on touring, which risks leaving towns and cities like Llandudno and Bristol without the high-quality opera provision they deserve.

These cuts must not be allowed to happen

The MU is calling on management, Arts Council of Wales and Arts Council England to:

  • Keep WNO as a full-time company
  • Stop the proposed 15% pay cut
  • Agree a sustainable funding package to secure WNO's future, including touring

We’re also asking the Welsh and UK governments to step up, play their part and protect WNO.

The future of opera in Wales and England must not be low paid jobs, insecure contracts, and access only for those who can afford it.

Have you already signed the petition?

Arts funding

Reverse the cuts, fund the arts

Arts Council England has made major cuts in public funding to arts organisations. The UK's music sector needs more investment to keep it world leading and protect the working people at its heart.

Reverse the cuts, fund the arts

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