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MU Executive Committe Vice Chair Andi Hopgood, stands and speaks from the mic while holding a small child.

Wrapping Up MU Delegate Conference 2023: Motions, Updates and Celebrations

MU Delegate Conference wraps up with motions on the Welsh language, future pandemic planning for musicians and the closure of rail ticket offices, with union members using the second day of MU Delegate Conference to vote on a very clear set of policy priorities.

Published: 26 July 2023

Read more about Wrapping Up MU Delegate Conference 2023: Motions, Updates and Celebrations
Music stand holding open music books with chairs and an acoustic guitar in the background.

Arts Council England Confirms New Music Hub Geographies

Arts Council England (ACE) has confirmed that from September 2024 there will be 43 Music Hubs in England, down from the current 116. Here MU National Organiser for Education and Health & Wellbeing Chris Walters looks at the implications for members.

Published: 13 June 2023

Read more about Arts Council England Confirms New Music Hub Geographies
A Feldenkrais demonstration taking place, where the arm of a model skeleton is held up in the same pose as the arm of a demonstrating participant

Michelle Saacks: Why I go the MU’s free Feldenkrais sessions

The MU have been running Feldenkrais sessions for members over Zoom for a few years now, and in this article MU Member Michelle Saacks talks about her own Feldenkrais journey – from finding herself in a more functioning body, to the impact it’s had on her teaching.

Published: 14 April 2023

Read more about Michelle Saacks: Why I go the MU’s free Feldenkrais sessions
Child playing a recorder, reading intently from a music stand.

Arts Council England Proposes Reduced Number of Music Hubs

A proposal to reduce the number of Music Hubs from 116 to 43, to be accomplished by merging the existing Music Hub areas, is out to public consultation until 31 March. Anyone with an interest in Music Hubs should complete the consultation.

Published: 14 March 2023

Read more about Arts Council England Proposes Reduced Number of Music Hubs
Naomi Pohl speaking into a camera at MU Member Conference 2022.

MU General Secretary Update

General Secretary Naomi Pohl looks at the challenges facing musicians this winter, and what the union is doing to support members.

Published: 08 February 2023

Read more about MU General Secretary Update
An orchestra podium against a background of pink and purple light

National Open Youth Orchestra Publishes Major Report

The report describes and evaluates the work of the world’s first disabled-led youth orchestra – essential reading for music educators looking to develop their understanding of inclusive music-making.

Published: 08 February 2023

Read more about National Open Youth Orchestra Publishes Major Report
Midlothian Demo crowd with MU flag and banner saying 'Don't Stop the Music'.

More Cuts to Music Education in Scotland Proposed

The MU is fighting against more proposed local authority cuts to music services, which would break the Scottish Government’s pledge to offer free instrumental tuition to all children.

Published: 01 February 2023

Read more about More Cuts to Music Education in Scotland Proposed
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