Ballots are currently underway for EC and RC elections and you should be receiving ballot papers through the post this week. Photo credit: Shutterstock
The MU’s committees are formed of democratically elected MU members to represent their interests. Decision making takes place at Conferences and through the actions of the network of union Committees. Nominations for these committees take place in September each year.
The Executive Committee (EC) is the national governing body of the Musicians' Union, making major decisions that affect the working lives of musicians. It deals with many important issues such as industrial negotiations, employment policy and financial management.
Regional Committees (RC) are a crucial part of the day-to-day management of the union at a grassroots level. The MU's six RCs are made up of activist members who help to deal with issues and policy in each region.
Ballots are currently underway for EC and RC elections
Ballots are currently underway for EC and RC elections and you should be receiving ballot papers through the post this week.
Please read the candidate statements, and return in the free post envelope in time for the ballot closing on 6 November 2023 – make your vote count!
Print Errors and Ballot Re Runs (Updated 27 October 2023 regarding Wales & South West England Region)
Please note: Due to print errors, ballots will need to be run again in November for the East & South East England Region Executive and Regional Committees, and Wales & South West England Region Executive Committee. Members in ESEE region and WSWE region will receive a direct email advising of this.
The following ballots are unaffected: London (EC), North of England (EC), Scotland and Northern Ireland (RC).
Find out more about the MU’s different representative committees and how the election process works.