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Delegate Conference 2025 Overview 

For members who are new to MU Delegate Conference, there will be a dedicated space to make sure you know how everything works and that you’re ready to go on the first day. There will also be dedicated spaces for our Disabled, Global Majority, LGBT+, Young and Women members to connect with their communities.

An informal drinks reception will also take place on the Monday evening, and this will be a chance for you to meet other members ahead of the first day of Conference. A dinner will then take place on the evening of Tuesday 22 July, followed by live music and a brilliant DJ. 

Travel and accommodation

The 2025 Conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel, City Centre Liverpool, on Tuesday 22 July and Wednesday 23 July 2025.

Hotel accommodation and catering will be provided on Monday and Tuesday evening for delegates and guests. Delegates and visitors’ accessibility requirements will receive our full attention and provision as required. Reasonable travel expenses will be covered for attendees in keeping with the Union’s expense policy.


Full accommodation and catering will be provided throughout the event so there will be no additional subsistence expenses payable to attendees.

How to attend

The call for nominations for delegates to represent their region at MU Delegate Conference 2025 is now underway.

Should you wish to stand for election as a delegate, please complete and forward a Nomination Form (with support from another member in your region) to your Regional Organiser by 27 April 2025.

Conference report

Ahead of conference, the MU produces a concise digital report that details all our work over the past two years. As a delegate, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions on the report during the conference and explore our work in more detail. Questions from delegates on the various parts of the report will be taken on a section-by-section basis.

The report, along with all other conference documents, will be made available to attendees in digital format prior to the event.

Conference motions

A ‘motion’ is a trade union way of asking for something. At MU Delegate Conference, it’s how you ask the Executive Committee, the governing body of the MU, to do something on your behalf. Any member can write a motion for MU Delegate Conference to debate and vote on. Read our guidance on how to write and submit a motion.  

The deadline for submission of conference motions will be 28 March 2025. This is to ensure that conference motions are as contemporary and relevant as possible. 

Members will be invited to put forward motions for Conference, for their Regional Committees to consider at meetings due to take place in Spring 2025. Motions solely concerned with Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) matters, can also be put forward for the ED&I Committee to consider.

Motions carried by each region and the ED&I Committee will be contained within the Conference report, and referenced to a section in that report and numbered accordingly. Delegates will consider each motion at the conclusion of questions on the section to which it has been allocated.

Please note that retired (free) members are not eligible to submit motions. Each region is entitled to propose one Conference motion for every 750 members in the region on 31 December 2024. This is subject to a minimum of three and a maximum of fourteen motions per region. The Regional Committee will determine which motions are to be submitted for inclusion of the Conference agenda.

Conference motions must be supported by five full paid-up members of the region, and should address matters of Union policy at a national level. No member may move or support more than two motions (members are referred to MU Rule VI with regards to the submitting of motions).

Proposals for Rule Changes

Proposals for rule changes will be contained in a separate section of the Conference report. Delegates will consider rule changes sequentially as a separate item in the Conference programme.

Standing Orders Committee

The activities of the Standing Orders Committee continue unchanged.

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