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Apply to Attend Delegate Conference 2025

Updated: 10 February 2025 | 13:51 PM

The call for nominations for delegates to represent their Region at Delegate Conference is now underway. 

As well as attending the Conference itself, delegations are expected to meet in advance of the Conference and to reach a position on Conference motions, which best reflects the views of members in the Region they represent.

Note: For full details of standing as a Conference delegate, please refer to MU Rule IX in the MU Rules.

Stand for election as a delegate

Members can apply by completing and sending in a nomination form to their Regional Organiser, along with support of another member in your Region.

Should you wish to stand for election as a delegate, please complete and forward a Nomination Form to your Regional Organiser by 27 April 2025.

Photocopies will be accepted, as will scanned copies submitted via email to your Regional Office.

Who can apply to be a delegate?

Any member who has been in membership for one year at the time of nomination may stand for election as a delegate for their Region. However, retired (free) members are not eligible to attend Conference as delegates, nor to nominate other members.

Each Region, is entitled to one delegate for every 500 members in the Union on 31 December 2024. A ballot will be held should the number of nominations exceed the Region’s entitlement.

Members are also reminded that visitors from each section of the Union are invited to Conference. Interested members should contact their Section Secretary.

Where to send your nomination form 

Nomination forms should be submitted via email or traditional post to the Regional Organiser of your Region. Please see the full contact details for each Regional Office below. 

Scotland and Northern Ireland Region

Post: Regional Organiser, Musicians’ Union, Rab Noakes Suite, 8 Landressy Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 1BP

North of England Region

Post: Regional Organiser, Musicians’ Union, 123-127, 1st Floor, Ducie House, Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JW

Midlands Region

Post: Regional Organiser, Musicians’ Union, Office 2, The Mint, 95 Icknield Street, Birmingham, B18 6RU

Wales and South West England Region

Post: Regional Organiser, Musicians’ Union, Transport House, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9SD

East and South East England Region

Post: Regional Organiser, Musicians’ Union, 30 Snowsfields, London, SE1 3SU

London Region

Post: Regional Organiser, Musicians’ Union, 30 Snowsfields, London, SE1 3SU