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Displaying 41 - 80 of 243 results
Victoria Jaquiss looks into camera, she has bright pink hair and pale blue lipstick, a steel pan drum is in the background

Art for Art’s Sake, Music For All: An Educator’s Journey

MU/National Education Union (NEU) member Victoria Jaquiss shares how her belief in music education and the art form of teaching led to her joining the MU’s Education Section Committee, and writing a motion calling for music and the arts to be given their rightful place in the school curriculum.

Published: 02 October 2023

Read more about Art for Art’s Sake, Music For All: An Educator’s Journey
Hollywood sign on the hills above LA

What Does The WGA Strike and Deal Reached Mean for Musicians?

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl on what the new Writers’ Guild of America agreement delivers for writers in the States, and what precedent this agreement might set for terms offered by big streaming companies, including in relation to the threat of AI developments.

Published: 29 September 2023

Read more about What Does The WGA Strike and Deal Reached Mean for Musicians?
Empty stage with instruments set up and stage lights, cast in blue light and smoke.

MU Fair Play Scheme: What We’ve Achieved So Far and What’s Next

Kelly Wood, MU National Organiser for Live, Theatre and Music Writers explains what the Fair Play scheme is, why it’s important, and how we’re continuing to help to educate artists, grassroots venues and promoters in what represents a mutually fair deal.

Published: 31 August 2023

Read more about MU Fair Play Scheme: What We’ve Achieved So Far and What’s Next
A wall of multi coloured vintage boom box devices

The Enduring Power of Hip-Hop, 50 Years On

On the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, the MU assesses how the genre has grown from the margins to the mainstream, empowering communities and highlighting social injustice, poverty and racism.

Published: 17 August 2023

Read more about The Enduring Power of Hip-Hop, 50 Years On
Music stand holding open music books with chairs and an acoustic guitar in the background.

Arts Council England Confirms New Music Hub Geographies

Arts Council England (ACE) has confirmed that from September 2024 there will be 43 Music Hubs in England, down from the current 116. Here MU National Organiser for Education and Health & Wellbeing Chris Walters looks at the implications for members.

Published: 13 June 2023

Read more about Arts Council England Confirms New Music Hub Geographies
A Feldenkrais demonstration taking place, where the arm of a model skeleton is held up in the same pose as the arm of a demonstrating participant

Michelle Saacks: Why I go the MU’s free Feldenkrais sessions

The MU have been running Feldenkrais sessions for members over Zoom for a few years now, and in this article MU Member Michelle Saacks talks about her own Feldenkrais journey – from finding herself in a more functioning body, to the impact it’s had on her teaching.

Published: 14 April 2023

Read more about Michelle Saacks: Why I go the MU’s free Feldenkrais sessions
Holy Carter playing a lap steel guitar.

Why I Joined The MU: Holly Carter

Pedal Steel Guitarist Holly Carter discusses the feeling of community she gets from being a member of the Musicians’ Union, the sense of coming together and supporting each other.

Published: 13 April 2023

Read more about Why I Joined The MU: Holly Carter
A photo of Clive Deamer playing on a Gretsch drum kit in front of purple and blue stage lighting.

Instinctive Innovator: A Session Musician’s Career Story

Clive Deamer always knew he was going to be a drummer, and his skills as a spectacular polyrhythmist able to blend traditional skill with contemporary style have seen him work with acts from Radiohead to Tom Jones. This profile explores his story.

Published: 13 April 2023

Member only Read more about Instinctive Innovator: A Session Musician’s Career Story
The Brodsky Quartet stood on stage in a line, holding their instruments.

Four The Love Of Music: The Brodsky Quartet

Journalist Ariane Todes celebrates the The Brodsky Quartet - beloved of the classical, pop and artistic world alike - which is celebrating its 50th year with a set of brave new projects.

Published: 31 March 2023

Read more about Four The Love Of Music: The Brodsky Quartet
Black and white photo of female conductor from behind with hands raised.

Campaign for Female Mediocrity

In this guest blog, Her Ensemble member, orchestral and chamber musician Christine Anderson shares her experiences and thoughts on women and diversity within the classical music industry.

Published: 23 March 2023

Read more about Campaign for Female Mediocrity
Close up of single microphone on stage in front of out of focus crowd.

How to Overcome Performance Anxiety

With over 70% of UK musicians suffering from anxiety in their public-facing work, leading UK performance and speaking coach Jimmy Cannon talks about root causes, quick fixes and long-term solutions to the issue.

Published: 20 March 2023

Read more about How to Overcome Performance Anxiety
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