Our template letter covers key arguments for protecting and maintaining the BBC Orchestras. Image credit: Joanna Dudderidge © Musicians' Union.
The BBC’s decision to reverse plans to close BBC Singers on 30 September 2023 and give the group their rightful place in this year’s BBC Proms programme is positive news. However, the BBC Singers’ future is still at risk.
At the same time, the BBC Concert, Philharmonic and Symphony Orchestras are facing 20% cuts to their employed posts. A total of 43 orchestra jobs will be affected.
Take action now to protect the BBC’s Performing Groups
The letter calls on the BBC to:
- Maintain the BBC Singers as a full-time employed BBC Performing Group with a bright future
- Withdraw proposals to make 20% cuts to jobs in the BBC Concert, Symphony and Philharmonic Orchestras
- Commit to maintaining all six Performing Groups as an essential part of the BBC’s public service remit
It includes space for you to explain why you care about the BBC Singers and Orchestras, and what they mean to you as a musician, student, teacher, license fee payer and as someone who loves and wants to protect the future of music.
Saving jobs in the BBC’s Orchestras
The template letter also covers key arguments for protecting and maintaining the BBC Concert Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra.
Any casualisation of the BBC’s orchestral workforce is likely to have a negative impact on the work they can produce, and shows a lack of respect for the players’ output and talent.
Learn more about the BBC’s proposals and the latest developments