It is acknowledged that some teaching will need to take place in person, both in primary/special schools and in private homes/studios.
Secondary schools in Wales are moving all lessons online from 14 December, while primary and special schools will remain open. This means that all music teaching in secondary schools will need to move online.
We have been advised by the Welsh Government that all instrumental and vocal teaching should move online from 14 December if possible, even if this normally takes place in schools that are not required to close. This also applies to private teaching in homes and studios.
However, it is acknowledged that some teaching will need to take place in person, both in primary/special schools and in private homes/studios. Where this is the case, members must implement Covid-secure mitigations, use Risk Assessments and refer to Welsh Government guidance, including these FAQs, the performing arts guidance and any other relevant guidance (such as working in people’s homes).
Read the rest of our advice for teachers across the UK during the pandemic.