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MU Education Section Reaches 10,000 Members

As of November, the number of members in the MU’s Education Section is now over 10,000 – approximately a one-third increase since 2020, demonstrating the importance of teaching and education to MU members.

Photo ofChris Walters
By Chris Walters Published: 24 November 2022 | 12:09 PM Updated: 24 November 2022 | 2:03 PM
School age kid learning guitar with private teacher
The size of the Education Section demonstrates the importance of teaching and education to MU members. Photo credit: Shutterstock

The Education Section is one of several MU industry sections for musicians working in education, recording, composing, orchestras, theatre and live performance. They help the MU provide specialist support for members, and they contribute to shaping Union policy.

The size of the Education Section demonstrates the importance of teaching and education to MU members. It also means that musicians who teach, whether as a sole focus or alongside other work, now officially make up close to a third of the MU’s overall membership – although the proportion of our members who do some teaching could be significantly higher.

Benefit from specialist services for teachers

Any MU member who works in music education can join the Education Section. Members receive dedicated news updates and benefit from specialist resources and events, both online and in person. Join via the Education Section page – it is quick and easy to do and will ensure you are receiving the best support for your work.

Several MU member benefits are unique to our teaching members, including professional indemnity insurance and joint membership deals with other education unions.

The Education Section has a democratically elected Committee that discusses members’ issues and makes recommendations to the Union’s Executive Committee. Standing for the Committee is a good way to network with other members and contribute to the Union’s work. You must be signed up to the Education Section to be eligible for the Committee.

Education Section members can contact the MU education team at

Get support as a music teacher through MU membership

The MU has a strong community of teaching musicians, with over 13,500 members. We advise music teachers on specific topics, including pay and contractual issues. Through our resources and employment advice, we support and create careers in music teaching.

Get support as a music teacher through MU membership

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