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Displaying 321 - 360 of 583 results
Labour party logo

MU at Labour’s National Women’s Conference

MU General Secretary Elect Naomi Pohl gave a historic video address at the conference, whilst MU Executive Committee member Sarah Williams gave a moving speech on supporting women through early pregnancy loss.

Published: 21 March 2022

Read more about MU at Labour’s National Women’s Conference
Great Russell Street in West London near the TUC Congress house, in the bright sunshine.

MU Member Motions Passed at TUC Women’s Conference

Two motions were raised and passed by MU members at the TUC Women’s Conference – about Black women in music, mothers and parents in the music industry, and online attacks on women journalists.

Published: 17 March 2022

Read more about MU Member Motions Passed at TUC Women’s Conference
Three young musicians performing on a stage at BBC Introducing, synth, keyboard and microphones are present.

Defending the BBC

Musicians’ Union General Secretary Elect Naomi Pohl looks at the challenges facing the BBC, and why union members must come together to fight for our public broadcaster’s future once again.

Published: 14 March 2022

Read more about Defending the BBC
Train waits at busy st Pancras train station as passengers travel

Deadline Approaches on Survey to Support Musicians’ Use of Eurostar

The data from this survey will be used to lobby for the St Pancras Eurostar terminal in London to become a designated port for instruments requiring a MIC certificate to travel. Opening up a quick and affordable way for these musicians to access Europe for work.

Published: 02 March 2022

Read more about Deadline Approaches on Survey to Support Musicians’ Use of Eurostar
Make peace make music graphic

Expressing Solidarity With Ukraine

We know that MU members are very concerned about the situation in Ukraine and keen to express solidarity and take action in support of the country and its people.

Published: 02 March 2022

Read more about Expressing Solidarity With Ukraine
Close up of pile of CDs, showing rainbow colours in the refraction of the light.

MU Evolves its Copyright Registration Service

After member feedback and as part of our commitment to the climate, we’re no longer issuing CDs. Instead, we’re offering sound advice on how members can best protect themselves.

Published: 16 February 2022

Read more about MU Evolves its Copyright Registration Service
Close up of computer keyboard, tablet and mobile phone stacked on top of each other

MU Reacts to NFT Platform HitPiece 

We are aware that many musicians have expressed alarm that works associated with them have been presented for auction as NFTs, seemingly without their knowledge by the platform HitPiece.

Published: 04 February 2022

Read more about MU Reacts to NFT Platform HitPiece 
Pink model brain on a peach coloured plain background

What is the Point of Feldenkrais?

Professional classical musician and Feldenkrais teacher Emma Alter cuts to the crux on the matter on Feldenkrais as an experiential learning method.

Published: 31 January 2022

Read more about What is the Point of Feldenkrais?
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