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General Secretary Naomi Pohl stands in discussion outside of the Royal Opera House

2023 End of Year Round Up

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl reports back on the work that the Union has done through 2023, as well as setting out some of MU’s intentions for 2024, and more general food for thought about the music industry.

Published: 30 December 2023

Read more about 2023 End of Year Round Up
Naomi Pohl and the UK Music Delegation outside 10 Downing Street this week to discuss the impact of AI on the music industry.

MU General Secretary Summer Update

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl looks at your rights and AI, developments in the Fix Streaming campaign, and how we’re negotiating the best rates for members.

Published: 07 September 2023

Read more about MU General Secretary Summer Update
Across a long room full of delegates sat at tables, we see Naomi presenting to the group, speaking into a microphone

Read the MU General Secretary Speech From 2023’s Delegate Conference

In her opening speech at this year’s MU Delegate Conference, General Secretary Naomi Pohl describes how the Union is making progress in negotiations, campaigning and lobbying – and how we are improving what we do for members all the time. Read her full speech below.

Published: 25 July 2023

Read more about Read the MU General Secretary Speech From 2023’s Delegate Conference
Naomi Pohl speaking into a camera at MU Member Conference 2022.

MU General Secretary Update

General Secretary Naomi Pohl looks at the challenges facing musicians this winter, and what the union is doing to support members.

Published: 08 February 2023

Read more about MU General Secretary Update
A policeman with hands behind his back in front of 10 Downing Street in London.

MU Reacts to Prime Minister’s Resignation

Further to the news that Boris Johnson has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party and UK Prime Minister, the MU reflects on what musicians need from the Government now.

Published: 08 July 2022

Read more about MU Reacts to Prime Minister’s Resignation
Inside of a home music studio, with open laptop and small midi keyboard on desk, and sound proofing around the room.

Fix Streaming Campaign Update

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl talks through the latest developments in the campaign to fix streaming and keep music alive.

Published: 31 May 2022

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Close up of mixing desk with microphone placed on top, cast in red light.

MU Welcomes Milestone Victory in Fix Streaming Campaign

The MU has expressed its welcome for Universal Music’s recent announcement that the label intends to follow the lead of its major rivals, Sony and Warner, in committing to deliver royalties to unrecouped heritage artists.

Published: 07 April 2022

Read more about MU Welcomes Milestone Victory in Fix Streaming Campaign
Photograph of Labour Party Deputy leader Angela Rayner giving her speech at the Labour Party Conference

The MU at Labour and Conservative Party Conferences

The MU took a delegation to the Labour Party Conference, voting on a number of important motions and holding meetings with Labour MPs – as well as making a fleeting visit to the Conservative Party Conference to discuss the Fix Streaming campaign.

Published: 05 October 2021

Read more about The MU at Labour and Conservative Party Conferences
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