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New Online Teaching Contract for Adult Students

We’ve added to the contracts we have on offer for online teaching, reflecting the change in teaching conditions that many of our members are currently undertaking.

Published: 15 May 2020 | 12:00 AM Updated: 28 April 2021 | 4:30 PM
A woman signing a contract
Online teaching has given some the opportunity to explore different ways of working and reaching new students. Photo credit: Shutterstock

In light of the Government’s advice on social distancing, the MU recommends that all face-to-face teaching should stop and be replaced by online teaching where possible.

Teachers moving to online lessons might find it useful to update their teaching contracts to reflect this new way of working. We’ve now added a second online teaching contract, to use with learners who are over 18 years old.

MU National Organiser for Education and Training, Diane Widdison, explained:

“Online teaching has given our members who teach a chance to carry on delivering lessons to their pupils during this challenging time. It has also given some the opportunity to explore different ways of working and reaching new students.

This contract is for online learning for adult students, either for new or existing students, as we always encourage members to have a contract in place for all their teaching.”

You can both contracts, along with our online teaching advice, by visiting our coronavirus advice page on online teaching.


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