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MU Concerned by Suffolk Council Arts Cuts

The £500,000 cut to arts funding in 2024/25 budget announced by Suffolk County Council.

Published: 10 January 2024 | 6:48 PM
A young musician with an acoustic guitar following the train tracks in Woodbridge, Suffolk
The withdrawal of the vital funding will have a real negative effect on the excellent outreach work the funded organisations currently provide to the Suffolk population. Photo: Shutterstock

The MU has reacted with dismay to the £500,000 cut to arts funding announced by Suffolk County Council.

MU Organiser for East and South East England, Paul Burrows, says:

‘It is disappointing to hear that Suffolk County Council is proposing to cut 100% of its arts funding in its 2024/25 budget. Cutting the £500,000 arts funding is a saving of only 0.07% of the overall Council budget for 2023/24. Funding the arts is good for the economy, with £3 generated for every £1 invested, so is a good and prudent use of public funds.

Arts and Culture are important to the general wellbeing of the Suffolk population and the withdrawal of this vital funding will have a very real negative effect on the excellent outreach work the funded organisations currently provide to the Suffolk population.

We urge the Council to reconsider this draconian cut and call on all residents of Suffolk who are worried by this proposal to contact their county councillor to express their concerns’ WriteToThem - Email your Councillor, MP, MSP, MS, MLA or London Assembly Member for free.


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