Your donations will go to MU members who are facing genuine financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus outbreak and its impact. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
It's times like these we need musicians and the music they create the most. But musicians have been critically impacted by the current crisis. From losing teaching work, through to cancelled gigs, venue closures and orchestras fighting for survival.
Concerningly, within the first ten days alone of our coronavirus impact survey, musicians reported a collective loss of over £20 million.
That's why we started the MU Coronavirus Hardship Fund, providing small grants of £200 to provide urgent relief for musicians in genuine financial hardship.
Within two hours of launching the fund, we received more than two hundred applications – with musicians writing to us to explain how vital these grants are for their immediate needs.
But we expect our fund to run out by the end of the first week. That's why we're calling on you. We know it's a difficult time. But if you can, please donate to our Crowdfunder.
Your donations will go to MU members who are facing genuine financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus outbreak and its impact.
Donate now
Find out what musicians having been saying on our crowdfunding page.
Write to your MP now
- Musicians have lost more than £20m in earnings so far
- Over 90% tell us their work has been affected
- Job opportunities are down 70% on this time last year
But freelancers like musicians don't qualify for the same support as other working people because they are self-employed.
Freelancers can only apply for Universal Credit. But, not only is it less than £400 a month, it can also take five weeks to come through leaving many freelancers in urgent financial hardship now.
Ask your MP to put pressure on Government for proper support for freelance workers.