Panel discussions include an exploration into streaming services outside of Spotify, and a dissection of what exactly is meant by building “hype” around your work. Photo credit: Shutterstock
This four-part series of artist-led discussions is being held by the FAC in conjunction with independent distribution label A World Arists Love (AWAL).
Yeah, but what else is there
Thursday 21 January, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
A conversation on streaming services that exist other than Spotify, dig into alternative playlisting options. The panel for this discussion will be made up of experts from across the digital music industry world, including Music:Ally, AWAL and artists.
Find out more and book your place.
Yeah, but is there a buzz around them
Thursday 28 January, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
A conversation on how to create a buzz around your work, and what that illusive “hype” around artists really means. The panel for this discussion will be made up of tastemakers, including music journalists, radio producers, label managers and more.
Find out more and book your place.
Yeah, but can I claim that as an expense
Thursday 4 February, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
A hands-on panel discussion about being self-employed and starting / growing a business as an artist. The panel will be made up of experts in the field of music law, accountancy and of course an artist entrepreneur to give their point of view.
Find out more and book your place.
Yeah, but how do royalties really work
Thursday 11 February, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
A conversation about how royalties and rights collections really work. The panel for this discussion will be made up of experts from across the publishing world and led by an artist to ensure that all your questions, whether basic and tricky, are answered.
Find out more and book your place.