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Welsh Members Encouraged to Take Survey to Develop Online Learning Resources

CULT Cymru are looking to develop their online learning resources to meet new needs that have arisen during the coronavirus pandemic, and would like to hear from members in Wales about what would be useful to them.

Published: 11 May 2020 | 12:00 AM Updated: 28 April 2021 | 4:30 PM
image of tangram puzzle blocks with people icons over wooden table
The learning project plans to ensure you have access to high quality learning that is relevant and affordable. Photo caption: Shutterstock

CULT Cymru is a learning project led by BECTU in partnership with us, as well as Equity and the Writers’ Guild – it is supported by the Welsh Government's Wales Union Learning Fund.

The project works with industry workers, employers and other organisations to arrange learning activities and networking events throughout Wales.

The organisers have published the following explanation of their survey:

“We need to learn more about you, the skills you want to develop and the type of education and training you prefer, so that we can ensure you have access to high quality learning that is relevant and affordable.

“Due to Covid-19 CULT Cymru is looking to work as effectively as possible in supporting creative workers across Wales in your learning and continual professional development through this challenging time.”

They will be looking at what sorts of training will be useful, how they could alleviate financial pressure for those wishing to learn, and how they could get more creatives involved in the training and sharing process.

Take the survey now

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