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Protect UK Music Festivals in 2021

Have your say in the DCMS Select Committee's inquiry into UK music festivals, and how they can be protected in 2021.

Published: 03 December 2020 | 12:00 AM Updated: 28 April 2021 | 4:32 PM
Photograph of colourful bunting hanging up in the sunshine.
Individual submissions from artists would also be useful, and would help to demonstrate the different ways in which artists benefit from festival performances. Photo credit: Shutterstock

The DCMS Select Committee is conducting an inquiry into UK music festivals, following the loss of the 2020 festival season due to Covid-19.

Whilst many artists and freelancers have suffered as a result of the festival cancellations, the organisations and teams that run the festivals are themselves also in a vulnerable position, having lost an entire year's income.

Many performers rely on UK festivals, and it is therefore vital that the festival sector is able to return, as soon as is safe and viable.

In order that the Select Committee can explore the kind of support that is needed by the festival sector, it is calling on any interested parties to submit written evidence. The MU will be submitting a response on behalf of its members, outlining the role that festivals play in artists' careers, and the financial and creative losses that have been felt as a result of the cancellations in 2020.

However, individual submissions from artists would also be useful, and would help to demonstrate the different ways in which artists benefit from festival performances, and why we need a healthy festival scene going forward.

Submitting evidence is simple, and we've produced a Guide to give you an understanding of how you might answer the questions by using your own experiences. Once you’ve put your evidence together you can submit it on the UK Parliament’s website.

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