“We call on other leaders involved with the Commonwealth Games to distance themselves from both Nick Timothy’s statement and the Government's approach to refugees”. Image credit: Shutterstock.
The letter, signed by the Midlands region of the MU, TUC, Equity and Bectu is addressed to John Crabtree, the chairman of Birmingham organising committee for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Disappointment over comments made about refugees
In the document, the four Unions express disappointment over the comments made by Nick Timothy, a Director for the Birmingham Commonwealth Games in which he praised the Government’s plans to send refugees to Rwanda, instead of the UK.
It states:
“We are delighted that our vibrant, multicultural, diverse West Midlands will be hosting this year” but that “for Nick Timothy to support such a toxic approach to refugees is appalling, stokes division and sends all the wrong signals about what our region represents”.
“We reject division and we call on other leaders involved with the Commonwealth Games to distance themselves from both Nick Timothy’s statement and the Government's approach to refugees”.