CIAs are where the combined effects of a significant number of licensed premises in one location undermine licensing objectives such as the prevention of crime and disorder, or public nuisance.
Notes on the survey
The survey links are below – and you can either complete just the one that is relevant to you, or additional ones that you may have a view on, but before you start, please read through the following notes.
- CIAs can be useful in controlling the numbers and consequences of licensed premises in a city centre.
- They can only be put into place where there is evidence that the operation of premises is causing challenges for the public or the authorities. This could be from noise, from crime and disorder, or from waste fouling of areas.
- They are neither all good nor all bad.
- With a CIA the council/ residents/ police may kill off an area or prevent it from changing and growing into something different.
- Without a CIA there could be unlimited growth in the numbers of premises – the Licensing Act presumes applications will be approved in the absence of the CIA.
- In Bristol, examples of good operation could include the waterfront area – problematic large venues closed or were closed and others operating differently opened and continue to operate successfully bringing a whole different feel to the area. The CIA was in place and balanced representations from the police and others assisted the Licensing Committee to make appropriate decisions for the benefit of the area (Not all of those followed the representations of the police or others).
- These changes were not solely due to the CIA although its use did assist in ensuring what was unsuitable for the area did not open.
- Examples of poor operation could include Whiteladies Road where the CIA has been used to oppose a wide range of openings of venues. Again venues closed or were closed although here the application of the area was such that the area has lost a good proportion of the evening/night time offer.
- There has been significant change within many of the CIAs that Bristol has but it is certainly true that many premises have opened and thrived during its existence.
- There are a number of other much stronger factors that affect the success of night time businesses not least of which are whether the customers are still coming to venues. There has been significant growth in restaurants in the city centre and in other areas.
Take the survey
Please select one or more surveys that are applicable to you:
City Centre
Whiteladies Road
Gloucester Road