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BBC Broadcasting House headquarters

Protect Our BBC

Protect the biggest employer of musicians in the UK.

£23m* spent a year on orchestras and performing groups
5* full time BBC Orchestras across the UK
90%* UK adults use BBC TV, iPlayer, Radio or Online every week

* Source: BBC

The BBC belongs to all of us. It’s up to all of us to protect it.

Performing Groups

BBC Confirms Commitment to Working With The Musicians’ Union

The MU believes the BBC is signalling a reset of the consultation process and the union will enter talks with them on the basis that discussion will focus on alternatives to the job cuts.

Learn more
Outside of BBC headquarters building London.

Why it matters

Nearly every musician will interact with the BBC at some point in their career.

The BBC is the single largest employer of musicians in the UK.

It supports 5 full time orchestras. It employs more than 400 contract musicians, and many hundreds on a freelance basis. It’s home to BBC Introducing, a vital part of the UK’s talent pipeline.

It plays more music than any commercial radio station. It supports Radio 1, Radio 1Xtra, Radio 1 Dance, Radio 1 relax, Radio 2, Radio 3, 6Music and the Asian Network alongside national, devolved and local talk radio across the UK. It hosts the world’s greatest classical music festival, the Proms.

And it is the main commissioner of new music in the UK – supporting music writers, session players and many more.

That’s not to say the BBC is always perfect. But it belongs to us, and without it UK music would not be the world leader that it is today.

BBC Singers

BBC Singers Petition Delivered to BBC Director General Tim Davie

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl and conductor Jack Apperley have delivered a copy of the Save the BBC Singers petition to BBC Director General Tim Davie.

Learn more
Naomi Pohl and Jack Apperley holding the Singers petition outside of the BBC offices.

Latest news

Naomi Pohl and the UK Music Delegation outside 10 Downing Street this week to discuss the impact of AI on the music industry.

MU General Secretary Summer Update

MU General Secretary Naomi Pohl looks at your rights and AI, developments in the Fix Streaming campaign, and how we’re negotiating the best rates for members.

Published: 07 September 2023

Read more about MU General Secretary Summer Update
Across a long room full of delegates sat at tables, we see Naomi presenting to the group, speaking into a microphone

Read the MU General Secretary Speech From 2023’s Delegate Conference

In her opening speech at this year’s MU Delegate Conference, General Secretary Naomi Pohl describes how the Union is making progress in negotiations, campaigning and lobbying – and how we are improving what we do for members all the time. Read her full speech below.

Published: 25 July 2023

Read more about Read the MU General Secretary Speech From 2023’s Delegate Conference

Around the web


MU Collective agreement

BBC Orchestras Agreement & Rates

The MU negotiates collective agreements with BBC Orchestras (BBCSO, BBCCO, BBCNOW, BBCPO and BBCSSO) for employed and freelance orchestra musicians.

Read more about BBC Orchestras Agreement & Rates