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About Antimo Magnotta

Antimo Magnotta is a free lance Italian pianist, composer and author based in London.

Spaces (2024)
"Spaces" is a sonic journey crafted through a delicate interweaving of piano melodies, field recordings, subtle textures, and ambient soundscapes.

Merlin (single, 2023)
"Merlin" has been inspired by the beautiful illustrations of Paolo Brasioli.

Antimosphere/ seven memories (2023)
Seven memories is an album of profound intimacy. it was entirely recorded during a brief holiday at my parents' house in Recale, a small village in South Italy, on my old piano in the room where I had lived for many years,
They are musical contemplations on the things I still hold dear to me—my life, dreams, thoughts and hopes—all of which were born in that tiny room.

Antimosphere/ nine pianostories (2021)
Nine improvisations in nine days.
Antimosphere/nine pianostories has been home-recorded from 15 to 23 of February 2021 at my house in London

At Home (2020)
This album has been entirely home recorded between March and April 2020 in self isolation during the outbreak of the Corona virus pandemic in London.

Museum (2019)
A work of original piano compositions and field recordings he has been collecting at the Victoria and Albert museum in London, where he happened to be playing the piano on regular basis, since 2013, in the beautiful Gamble Room. The idea behind Museum is to disclose part of this precious memories to recreate his own collection of soundscapes.

Inner Landscape (2018)
This work reflects his introspective thoughts right after the horrifying disaster of the Costa Concordia shipwreck on the 13th of January 2012. Antimo was on that ship during the accident, performing his piano show, and miraculously survived.
Inner Landscape is dedicated to the memory of the 32 victims of that accident.

The Raphael Project (2017)
An original suite for piano in seven movements inspired by the seven Raphael’s “Cartoons” on display at the Victoria & Albert museum in London.

How music saved my life, 2023
Crescendo, 2020
Sette squilli brevi e uno lungo, 2017 Spring Edizioni

Musical instruments & styles




Contemporary, Ambient, Improvised

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