The MU's coronavirus impact survey shows an urgent interest across the country in protecting the UK’s music industry, and how vital it is to protect musicians. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
The figures recorded so far have been reported across the media – giving solid evidence to our call for better protections for musicians and the music industry.
We’ve been asking musicians to fill in our coronavirus impact survey. You’ve been letting us know how the situation is affecting your work, and calculating what it has cost you.
Thanks to everyone who has responded so far the data recorded has seen wide-spread coverage. So far there have been articles in major national print and online publications – as well as over 40 regional news sources.
It shows an urgent interest across the country in protecting the UK’s music industry, and how vital it is that we act now to protect musicians.
Coverage across the media
Coverage of our statistics in major news sources includes:
Call on Government to properly protect freelance workers
Whilst the public's eye is on how musicians are being affected by the pandemic – we urgently need to call on Government to put in proper protections for freelance workers affected by or self-isolating due to coronavirus.
Join us by writing to your MP. We’ve even published a letter template if you’re not sure what to say.
Find out how to take action now