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Emerging and Independent Artists’ Festival code of conduct

Updated: 05 November 2020 | 14:49 PM

Ths agreement is for use by emerging artists and independent festivals who are members of the Association of Independent Festivals (AIF).

The definition of 'emerging artists' for the purposes of this agreement is artists without representation from agents, managers or other third parties.

All details relating to the following points should be clearly stipulated within an artist agreement once a booking is confirmed. Once signed by both parties, details within the agreement can only be changed in writing by mutual consent.


Payment and fees

Levels of payment should be negotiated on an individual basis. However, artists should not be expected to 'pay to play', and all payment and ticketing deals must be in keeping with the mu's fair play guide. The method of payment used must be made clear and the artist made aware in writing of what is required from them in order to receive payment and/or expenses.


It is reasonable for a festival to charge commission on merchandise due to unique temporary infrastructure, staffing and set-up costs involved in order to provide a safe and effective facility. The commission rate will be agreed in advance between the artist and the festival. However, if an artist is not receiving a performance fee, commission on merchandise will not be charged.


It will be made clear at the time of booking whether meals and drinks will be provided and, if so, the systems that will be in place in order for artists to access such provisions. If an artist is not receiving a fee for their performance, the promoter will ensure that meals and drinks are provided free of charge to that artist.



A site plan (with a postcode) will be provided, along with details of any particular routing that is in place to gain access to the event. There should be fast track/ priority entrances and exits for artists.


The parking area for the artists should be as close to the stage as is practical and should be separate from the public car park area.


The promoter will use best endeavours to follow the charter of best practice  in respect of provision for visually impaired, deaf and disabled musicians who may be contracted to perform.

Backstage area 

Artists need access to a safe (lockable or watched by security persons), dry and convenient backstage area artist and promoter will adhere to reasonable requests in relation to the storage/removal of equipment.

Information from artists

  • ­Upon request artists will supply photographs that will be clearly labelled with the name of the band/act, and of the required resolution and format e.g. print ready / web ready. It is the artist's responsibility to ensure that the correct permissions have been granted in order that the images supplied can be used by the festival. Where credits are due, names will be provided.
  • Biography information of the requested length / word count will be provided by artists.
  • Artists will provide complete tech information as requested and according to deadline.
  • Artists will be responsive and communicative with regard to deadlines specified in writing by the promoter in terms of announcements and providing all information requested pertaining to the show.


  • The promoter will include details of an artist's performance in printed and online promotional materials (website, app, festival brochure etc), and on local listings such as chalkboards at the event itself.
  • Promoter and artist will exchange details of their social media pages in order that artists can promote their performance and promoters can include artists' details within official promotional activities.

Artists will promote the festival upon reasonable request from the promoter, including announcements through social media and listing the show on their live pages and platforms. This will be completed within a reasonable timeframe and to support official festival announcements where relevant i.e. on-sale dates and milestone line-up statements.

Performance details


The promoter will clearly identify the following in writing no less than seven days in advance of the engagement:

  • Arrival / get-in times
  • Length and time of sound check
  • Whether there will be an audience present during the sound check process
  • Time and length of performance
  • Name and capacity of venue / stage.

Artist and promoter will endeavour to adhere to call times, sound check times, stage times and set lengths, and to any restrictions outlined in advance, i.e. parking facilities onsite, access, vehicle curfews and guest list allocations.

Recording and broadcasting

There will be no recording or broadcasting without the written consent of the artist.

Unavoidable changes to the time of performance

If it is necessary to make a last­minute change to the time of an artist's performance at an event, this must be done in full consultation with the artist. Furthermore, the new performance time must be communicated throughout the event, and via the festival's website and social media channels in order that the artist's performance isn't poorly attended and negatively affected as a result of the change.


If equipment is being shared and/or a backline provided, details will be made clear to the artist prior to the date of the event. The artist will be liable for damage caused to backline equipment through artist's negligence.

Technical requirements

Artists will provide a tech' spec' if requested by the promoter in writing.


The promoter shall ensure a safe supply of electricity.


Promoters and artists will carry the appropriate insurances.


Artists will display laminates / id / wristbands provided by promoter whilst onsite.


Artists will not perform onstage whilst drunk or under the influence of illegal drugs or so-called 'legal highs'.

Contact details

The MU:

0208 840 5569 ;



The AIF:

0208 994 5599