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About Bronwen Harding

At the age of eight, Bronwen declared her wish to be an opera singer. After a varied career, combining corporate marketing with busking, choral singing, opera performance and singing studies, she is now pursuing her dream full-time. In 2018, Bronwen founded Rogue Opera with a vision of bringing opera to new audiences and unconventional spaces. As well as singing the title role in Rogue Opera’s inaugural season of Bizet’s Carmen, Bronwen directed the production and saw it performed in a variety of venues.
Working with a dedicated troupe of musicians and seeing her concepts come to life on the stage have been a high point in her musical career, which continued with the company’s second season, presenting a vibrant, contemporary reimagining of Don Giovanni in 2019.
The challenges presented by Covid-19 in 2020 have taken Bronwen into new ventures, working to create online performances and provide creative work for Rogue Opera artists at a time when other opportunities have been shut down. Post pandemic, Rogue Opera's touring contracts have increased with focus on creating original productions

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None specified


World, Classical, Music writer, Industrial, Ambient, Steam punk, Electronic, Contemporary

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