A venue could ask you to take a test to prove you don't currently have Covid, or require you to produce evidence of having been double-vaccinated. Photo credit: Shutterstock
The UK Government have confirmed they have no plans to introduce any regulations which would require either employees or freelancers to be vaccinated, beyond those already within scope (which would essentially mean their plans around Care Home workers).
Venues are required to undertake Risk Assessments which include Covid transmission risk management. This means, as a performer, you may be asked to adhere to certain risk mitigation measures during your attendance at the venue (social distancing, mask wearing etc).
A venue could ask you to take a test to prove you don't currently have Covid, or require you to produce evidence of having been double-vaccinated. However, neither of these produce absolute certainty and also introduce the possibility of discrimination against individuals who aren't able to be tested or vaccinated due to a protected characteristic.
As such, most engagers, venues etc are tending to shy away from imposing these requirements.
Advice for performers
Our current advice would be to ensure that you liaise with the venue or promoter well in advance of any date. You should make sure that you get a copy of the Risk Assessment and any mitigations they aim to impose.
If there's anything there which is problematic in the Risk Assessment or mitigations – get in touch with your Regional Office or liaise with the venue or promoter directly to see what can be done to resolve any issues.
For our most up to date advice on the rules around Covid-19 in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, see our Covid-19 restrictions page.