The day will focus on practical CPD and wellbeing, as well as networking, live music and updates from the MU. Photo: Shutterstock.
Following an enjoyable one-day conference for teaching members in Belfast last year, we have decided to offer a one-day conference in a different part of the UK every year from now on, instead of our previous two-day conference every few years.
This means our next event will be a one-day conference for music educators on 28 April at the Studio, Glasgow. Members and non-members are both welcome to attend.
Running from 9.30 am to 4:00 pm, the programme will focus on practical CPD and wellbeing, as well as networking, live music and updates from the MU.
Workshops will include:
- Vocal health and melodies for the mind
- Strengthening the tools of mind during adolescence
- Figurenotes by Drake Music Scotland
- Djembe drumming
- Wellbeing and high performance in life and work.
Full details, timings and booking information will be published on the MU website soon.
Members are also welcome to email with suggestions or requests for future events.