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Members in Wales Encouraged to Take Creative Wales’ Survey

Complete this survey to help Creative Wales understand where gaps exist in their current communications strategy they are particularly interested to hear from those who may be under-represented in the industry.

Published: 12 August 2021 | 11:40 AM
Photograph of a concert being held outdoors, musicians are on the stage while an audience stand with raised hands.
A primary goal of the research is to hear from a broader cross section of people who work in all areas of music. Photo credit: Shutterstock

Creative Wales, as part of Welsh Government, wants to know your opinion on how to shape their communication strategy so they can extend their reach and plan their activities moving forward.

Following a recent research session we participated in looking at Creative Wales’s interaction with the music industry in Wales, they are looking to get individual feedback from a wider audience through a survey.

Creative Wales are engaging in this research to look into their current communication strategy to help highlight any gaps that exist and shape their plans moving forward. One of the primary goals of the research exercise is to hear from a broader cross section of people who work in all areas of music as well as those who may be under-represented in the industry.

While the MU continue to engage with Welsh Government and Creative Wales on behalf of members, we would encourage all those who work in the music industry in Wales to engage with the survey and provide your feedback.

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and can be accessed in both English and Welsh.

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Person holding up heart shaped hands at a live gig.

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