The Wales and South West England (WSEW) regional team are delighted to announce the first part of a series of events across the region during 2024. We hope that announcing these dates now will enable members to plan ahead and help more people to join us and take part.
Building on the success of the first regional Members' Day and Portable Appliance Testing events last year, we will be holding a series of Local Members' Days aiming to cover different areas of the region.
What to expect at 2024’s Local Members’ Day events
Each of the Local Members' Days will be slightly different, but based around aiming to offer two core elements:
- Portable Appliance Testing
- A chance to meet your regional team and other members. We also hope to offer other training/information sessions as well.
The WSWE Members' Day on Saturday 21 September (check below for all dates) is for members across the whole region.
We had really positive feedback about the first regional members' day last year and hope that even more members will be able to join us this year. We are exploring the possibility of offering a way to engage with the WSWE Members' Day remotely, via an online meeting system, to make it more accessible. If that's something you would find useful please do let us know.
Dates in Wales for Local Members' Day Cymru events, which we're working on with partner organisations, will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Save the date
- Local Members' Day: Yeovil, Saturday 3 February 2024
Find out more and register for Portable Appliance Testing (taking place the same day).
- Local Members' Day: Saltash, Saturday 20 April 2024
Find out more and register for Portable Appliance Testing (taking place the same day).
- Local Members' Day: Swindon, Saturday 1 June 2024
Booking details TBC. Please check the website nearer the time for further details and make sure you're registered to receive our events emails by selecting ‘Career development and training’.
- Wales and South West England Members' Day: Saturday 21 September 2024
Booking details TBC. Please check the website nearer the time for further details and make sure you're registered to receive our events emails by selecting ‘Career development and training’.
- Local Members' Day Cymru, Cardiff
We hope to be able to confirm this for a date in October.