The MU is delighted that members can once again begin to undertake their role in providing first class music for major productions.
Many of our recording session musician members have not been able to work for months, but a recent relaxation of lock-down conditions in England means those who cannot work from home are now encouraged to return to the workplace, provided an appropriate environment exists in which to do so.
Two major studios in London (Air Lyndhurst and Abbey Road) have recording sessions scheduled and have been working hard to establish safe environments, able to accommodate groups of musicians. MU officials have been working closely with the Union’s health and safety consultant in assisting contractors and studios with these efforts.
Safety adjustments for the current environment
The MU has also published studio safety advice which is aimed at guiding members back to what is likely to be a much-changed working environment.
For the time being studios will be limiting the number of players in the recording room, where studios have carefully, in conjunction with contractors, planned seating layouts to maximise spacing between players.
Adjustments have also been made to the lengths of sessions and breaks, restrictions to overtime, and standardising overdubbing at 100% in the short term, to facilitate adherence to the safety measures required.
The last few months have been an immensely difficult time for all our members, so it is wonderful for some of them to finally be taking this first step back on the road to recovery.